Friday, May 31, 2019
Abortion Essay -- essays research papers
Abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy in advance the fetus is cap fitting of independent life. Abortions must be conducted before the end of six months or the fetus will leave the womb and it would be considered untimely birth. If the fetus weighs less than 18 ounces or is less than 20 weeks into pregnancy, it is usu all toldy considered an miscarriage. There are two types of abortions. One is spontaneous and the other is induced. Spontaneous abortions are known y a nonher name, miscarriages. The second form of abortion is an induced abortion. This is the deliberate termination of the fetus.Many have pondered upon the meaning of abortion. The argument because every child innate(p) should be wanted, and others who believe that every child conceived should be born. This has been a controversial topic for years. Many people want to be able to decide the flock of others. Everyone in the United States is covered under the United States Constitution, and under the 14th Amendment, women have been wedded the choice of abortion. Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion. Although these people have been given the right, the case is not closed. Pro-life activists carry a strong argument, and continue to push their beliefs. They feel intensely strong ab disclose these beliefs that violence has broken out in some known instances. Pro-choice activists on the other hand, also carry very strong points. They believe that the child inside the mother is her proportion and its life does not begin until birth. Although many believe that abortion is a womans choice, abortion should be banned because it is shameful and life begins at conception.Abortion is the choice of a woman in whether or not she wants to receive one. The right to choose to have an abortion is personal and essential to a womans life. The state can not interfere in the private lives of a citizen. With the right to choose abortion, women are able to enjoy, like men, the rights to fully use the powers o f their minds and bodies. A man can pull out from a relationship as soon as he finds out about pregnancy. There is no question of his involvement after that he has make his choice. It is only fair to say that women should be given the same choice. If one does not want to hold the responsibilities of a child then she should be able to have the choice of abortion in her options. Because contraceptives fail, and because they are ... ...e if they were not conceived.In summary, a womans right to choose can justify abortion, but it should be banned because it is immoral and life begins at conception. Women have been given the right to have an abortion under the United States Constitution, but the people that fight for the unborn childs rights are restrained protesting this right. Pro-life activists claim that it is immoral because it is simply defined as murder. Life begins a conception is another strong point brought up by pro-life activists. Before a child is born it is given all its necessities to survive. Notice the operative word is before. Before birth, the childs heart beats, the gastric juices flow in the stomach, and all its necessary organs have been made present. This child thinks, dreams, and feels pain. Yes, some women may look at having an abortion to solve her problems, but in all, women are abandoning the abortion because it weakens their great strengths creation, compassion, and the ability to look beneath the surface of the appearance of things. Maybe soon the abortion issue will reverse, and people will see the rights of the unborn as greater importance than that of a personal right or choice.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Time Crunches and Themewriting :: Teaching Writing Education Essays
Of Time Crunches and ThemewritingSo, Thanksgiving break has been over for about two and a half weeks and winter quarter has begun. One would think that the three weeks between Thanksgiving break and Christmas break wouldnt be too difficult. Classes are just beginning, so there are no big papers due, no exams or final projects. Most students are acquire used to their new classes teachers are getting used to their new students. Most people are slipping back into the college life routine. Most, but not all. A small percentage of students are musically talented, and have chosen to be in choir. For these students, myself included, the first three weeks back are not quietly restful and relaxing, but agonizing and taxing generally for one reason Madrigal dinners.Madrigal dinners are apparently leftovers from medieval times, when ancient kings would hold Christmas feasts, inviting lords and ladies from throughout the kingdom to join in celebration of the bring forth of Christ. During the middle ages, those who displeased the king would be sent to the dungeons to endure torture. This idea of torturing pitiful souls has developed into the Madrigal dinner. In present times unfortunate souls are expected to spend long hours every night memorizing music, memorizing lines, setting up the stage and the banquet hall for the performances on the first three weekends afterwards break.Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 5 PM until 1030 PM we spend performing, singing, acting, and waiting tables, those of us involved with the Madrigal dinners then have to amaze later, usually until 230 or 300 AM cleaning tables, washing dishes, and generally cleaning up forrader we set up for the coterminous performance. None of us get much rest on the weekends.During the third week, everyone involved in the dinners (except the waiters) go down to the cities to perform at the St. Paul Radisson. So the second Sunday after break, after we have finished performing, and after the dishes are done and the tables taken down, we have to tear down the set. Then, we have to read the set up, miss three days of classes to go and perform two more times in the cities, which also means that we have to set up and tear down the set once again.I can see why the shows are nicknamed Mads being in them drives you crazy.The first rehearsals begin even before break, however. Dr.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Signifigance Of Disease And Plauge In Hamlet :: essays research papers
In Hamlet by William Shakespe are, poison and disease both plague the state of Denmark. Relations betwixt characters are corrupt, the wad are disturbed and people are killed constantly. What the characters do not know is that this corrupt reign of power will end in tragedy. Corrupt minds in Hamlet are provided by Prince Hamlet himself. He portrays an antic disposition in order to gain the advantage inside the castle. promptly people in the castle believe that Hamlet is crazy or mad and thinks nothing more of it. Really, Hamlet is just acting this way so that he can spy on other people in the castle. By doing this he finds out who is after him and the identity of the murderer of his father. Polonious is one of the people spying on Hamlet to find the source of his madness and says "That hes mad, tis true tis pity, And pity tis tis true" 2.2.97-98. Hamlet never stops his act and gets his job done. During Hamlets inquisition fo r r thus farge, he also sparks the beginning of Ophelias demise. This happens because to insure no one knows that Hamlet is acting as if he is crazy, he only tells his most swear friend Horaito. Ophelia does not know he is only acting for the possible spies, and takes everything Hamlet says seriously. Ophelia says I was the more deceivedIII.i.118. After a while of this, including Hamlet shouting at her, the death of her father Polonious by the hands of Hamlet, Ophelia goes insane. This is very noticeable because she is constantly singing and her appearance is also more ragged and dirty. She does not even notice her own brother, Laertes, when he returns from school. Shortly after this, Ophelia is found, drown in the brook. Hamlet triggers Ophelias insanity that then leads to her death. While all of these tragic happenings are occurring relationships are also being torn apart. Hamlets relations with his mother Gertrude are severed. Hamlet believes his mother is disgusting for marrying his fathers brother, two months after his fathers death. Rightfully so because traditionally then when people were married their families became considered blood related. So this action by his mother was thought to be incestuous and Hamlet did not agree with it at all. Hamlets relationship with Laertes was also destroyed. During an altercation with his mother Hamlet heard a noise behind a tapestry hanging on the wall.
Physics of Tennis Racquets :: physics sport sports tennis
Missing figuresTennis dissonances with old type of arrange did not impart power and control over the racquet at the same time. To get a powerful stroke player had to hit the ball with the area of racquet closer to the tip of the racquet (toe). To obtain control and to reduce vibration of the racquet, player had to hit the ball with the area of racquet called sweet spot, turn up around the geometric center of the head. NASAs 1973 Skylab 3 mission showed that tapered strings can move the sweet spot from the center of the racquet toward the mail service of greater power.The NASA research on spider webs, which was meant to find the solution to reduce the vibration on space stations, unexpectedly benefited tennis. NASAs Skylab, the first U.S. space station, in 1973 carried out the experiment with the space born spiders Anita and Arabella, to learn from spiders how to construct low vibration space stations.Soviet space station Mir had serious problems with vibration. Every ingestion of exercise equipment caused the entire station to shake. Spiders are well known for making their nets capable to absorb the impact of their pray. According to the book The Web of the Spider by Laura Barr Lougee 3, spider webs are made in such a track to keep all tensions in balance. The NASA research showed that the change in diameter of strings changes the stability of a ne devilrk. This property of strings was used to improve the performances of tennis racquets. It is hard to define power of racquet. According to 4 power could be defined as 1. racquet bounce (high coefficient of restitution) 2. high swing weight (high angular momentum) 3. low work (racquet which gives the greatest ball speed with a given player effort)The easiest way to understand power is the coefficient of restitution (COR). The maximum power occurs when the COR is the greatest. The coefficient of restitution is the ratio of the differences in velocities before and after the collision. COR is defined as difference in the velocities of the two colliding objects after the collision, divided by the difference in their velocities before the collision.COR = coefficient of restitution= unidimensional velocity of the racquet mass center before impact= linear velocity of the ball before impact (will be negative according to our convention that away from the player is positive)
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Computer Addiction Essay -- Technology
Technology today is progressing at an exp wizntial rate with new devices being released practically daily. With each new invention comes new and exciting possibilities as well as ever growing temptations and danger. One such pitfall many have fallen victim to is that of computer addiction. Computer addiction undersurface be defined as the obsessive use of computers that interferes with daily life. This addiction has been shown through many activities over computers such as video gaming, chat rooms, and electronic network surfing to just name a few. In order to truly understand what computer addiction is one must understand the symptoms and motivations that lead one to become addicted.Computer addictions have been found in every race, gender, and socio-economical class in America, and yet many still view it as pure laziness. small-arm it is still widely disputed many psychologist recognize it as a valid mental disorder. Like many addictions the origins of computer addictions canno t be accurately determine as there are always many causes of such addictions. Some psychologists speculate that the origins lay in our increased reliance on computers. The majority of plurality are required to use computers in their professional lives and throughout their educations. This reliance coupled with increased time restraints may lead to individuals to spending longer periods of time on the computer. A recent study was conducted by Robert Kraut at Carnegie Mellon University in which one hundred and sixty nine individuals from ninety three diverse households in the Pittsburg area were monitored during their first two years of internet use. By using monitoring software and surveys Dr. Kraut was able to establish a direct correlation amid the amounts of internet use to a... ...lcoholics Anonymous. Regardless of the treatment sought, professional help is needed in order for addicts to overcome the dependency on computer time.As applied science progresses more and more people are drawn to computers for their professions and education. If caution and restraint is not maintained some will become addicted, and this will have a tremendous impact on their personal and professional lives. Many have fallen prey to computer addictions and some have paid with their lives.Works Cited pile Fearing, Ph.D. Computer / Internet Addiction - Self Diagnosis. n.d. 25 April 2009. .Spaith, Judith. Sony Online Entertainment EverQuestor EverCrack? Journal of Business Ethics 58 (n.d.) 36.Williams, Ian. Vnunet. 01 March 2007. 25 April 2009. .
Computer Addiction Essay -- Technology
Technology today is progressing at an exponential rate with newborn devices being released practically daily. With each new invention comes new and exciting possibilities as well as ever growing temptations and danger. One such pitfall many have fallen victim to is that of calculator addiction. figurer addiction can be defined as the obsessive use of computers that interferes with daily life. This addiction has been shown through many activities over computers such as video recording gaming, chat rooms, and net surfing to just name a few. In order to truly catch what computer addiction is one must understand the symptoms and motivations that lead one to become addicted.Computer addictions have been found in every race, gender, and socio-economical class in America, and yet many still view it as pure laziness. While it is still widely disputed many psychologist recognize it as a valid mental disorder. Like many addictions the origins of computer addictions cannot be accurately id entified as there are always many causes of such addictions. Some psychologists speculate that the origins lay in our increased reliance on computers. The majority of people are required to use computers in their professional lives and throughout their educations. This reliance coupled with increased time restraints may lead to individuals to consumption longer periods of time on the computer. A recent study was conducted by Robert Kraut at Carnegie Mellon University in which one hundred and sixty nine individuals from ninety ternary diverse households in the Pittsburg area were monitored during their first two years of internet use. By using monitoring software and surveys Dr. Kraut was able to establish a guide correlation between the amounts of internet use to a... ...lcoholics Anonymous. Regardless of the treatment sought, professional help is needed in order for addicts to overcome the dependency on computer time.As technology progresses more and more people are drawn to computers for their professions and education. If caution and restraint is not maintained some lead become addicted, and this will have a tremendous impact on their personal and professional lives. Many have fallen prey to computer addictions and some have paying with their lives.Works CitedJames Fearing, Ph.D. Computer / Internet Addiction - Self Diagnosis. n.d. 25 April 2009. .Spaith, Judith. Sony Online Entertainment EverQuestor EverCrack? Journal of Business Ethics 58 (n.d.) 36.Williams, Ian. Vnunet. 01 March 2007. 25 April 2009. .
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Travel Expense Billing Controversy and False Claims Act Essay
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC), a major accounting firm, was engaged in unethical billing formulas that generated millions of dollars in redundant revenue to the company. PwC was charging its clients the full price of airline tickets and other travel expenses, such as hotel rooms and car rentals, plot it was actually expending only a small percentage of the full amount billed to its clients due to applied rebates and discounts it received low travel agencies and airline contracts and negotiations. Therefore, the company was overcharging clients and pocketing the difference without revealing the practice (AccountingWeb). However, since Neal A. Roberts, a PwC employee, discovered his employers travel billing practices, PwC found itself in a very difficult situation. Mr. Roberts wasnt in agreement with his companys billing method and made several attempts to address the problem while working for his firm without much success. He reached out to the companys ethics department and t o an in-house PwC lawyer, but only managed to have the companys policy revised, not corrected. A group of people (mostly the companys partners) decided that under the new policy, PwC would have to disclose most of the discounts to its clients but still keep 8 percent of the rebates as a cover our costs fee while retaining the millions collected previously on the earlier rebates (Carroll and Buchholtz 630).Despite these policy changes, Neil A. Roberts remained dissatisfied and decided to file a False Claims lawsuit against PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. The False Claims Act is a federal legislation that was established to make sure companies were not circumventing the giving medication. Under this legislation, anyone who knows about companies that ar defrauding the government may sue on the governments behalf and share in the proceeds of the suit while being protected from workplace retaliation under the qui tam ( too known as a whistle-blower) nutrition of the Act (Carroll and Buchh oltz 630). In December 2003, Mr. Roberts won the False Claims lawsuit against PwC after much investigation, and the accounting firm agreed to a settlement valued at $54.5 million although it denied the fraud allegations (Weil 1). Considering this travel expense billing controversy, the company failed to obtain integrity and professionalism by carrying out this unethical practice for its own benefit. It was selfish, only seeking profit, and neglected its reputation in frontof clients and the market. In addition, the firm also failed to elaborate important policies and regulations in regards to this unethical practice in order to clog employers from attempting this illegal action. Moreover, the accounting firm was lacking an effective stakeholder management and important principles that could have helped build stakeholder relationships.Since the companys primary and secondary social stakeholders are the employees, managers, clients, ethics committee, management committee, travel comp anies/airlines, and federal government, PwC should develop a strong stakeholder culture and stakeholder management capabilities. They can effectively address stakeholder issues and relationships, analyze the stakeholders power, monitor their interests and needs, circulate with them regularly, and stay engaged with them. In doing so, the company would be able to identify strategies for dealing with the key stakeholders and consider the relative power of different stakeholder groups along with their sizeableness to the issues confronting the organization. PwC desired to be seen as an ethically responsible company by having an ethics committee, but instead, it was only trying to be ethically responsible through and through legitimation, which is a dynamic process by which business seeks to perpetuate its acceptance (Carroll and Buchholtz 95). The firm wanted to continue to obtain financial gain even though Mr. Roberts and other partners had already questioned its practices. For insta nce, modifying its policy to offer discounts of 28 percent while still keeping 8 percent as a service fee.As a result, all these issues influenced Neil A. Roberts decision in filing a False Claims lawsuit against the accounting firm. The False Claims Act is good in its sense, which allows an individual to musical theme a company whenever it is engaging in illegal activities, but Mr. Roberts could be using this Act to gain financial gain as he also participated in the False Claims lawsuit against IBM that settled in 2007. Consequently, these allegations create some concerns in regards to Mr. Roberts intentions. Was he acting ethically to overturn unethical companies or was he just acting to simply obtain financial gains, as the Act awards individuals a share of the winnings when they seek fraud damages on behalf of the government?All things considered, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP could have avoided this multimillion dollar lawsuit and scandal if only it had maintained its corporate l egitimacy by observing all laws and regulations, and practicing good ethical principles towards its stakeholders. plant life CitedAccountingWeb. PwC to Settle Travel Expenses Lawsuit for $54.5 Million. 23 December 2003. Web. 28 September 2014. Carroll, Archie B and Ann K Buchholtz. Corporate Governance Foundational Issues. Business & Society Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management. South-Western Cengage Learning, 2012. 94-120. Paper. Carroll, Archie B and Ann K Buchholtz. The Travel Expense Billing Controversy and False Claims Act. Business & Society Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management. Ohio South-Western Cengage Learning, 2012. 628-31. Paper. Weil, Jonathan. Court Files Offer Inside Look At Pricewaterhouse Billing Clash. The Wall avenue Journal Online (2004) 1-4. Web. 28 September 2014.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Insect Repellent and Investigatory Project Essay
We make this Project to be used as a Natural Insect Repellant. Aside from it is homemade, its ingredients cigarette only be constitute in your background. It is not bad for the environment, it is not overly bad for your splutter if you use into it. For Lemongrass is a plant. Aside from the leaves and the oil ar used to make treat and some people apply lemongrass and its essential oil directly to the skin for headache, stomachache, abdominal pain, and go across pain. By inhalation, the essential oil of lemongrass is used as aromatherapy for muscle pain. In food and beverages, lemongrass is used as a flavoring.It is also good ingredient in an insect prankish. Lemongrass leaves are also commonly used as lemon flavoring in herbal teas. In manufacturing, lemongrass is used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. Lemongrass is also used in making vitamin A and natural citral. Lemongrass might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast. Lemongrass also contains substances tha t are thought to relieve pain, reduce fever, stimulate the uterus andcatamenial flow, and have antioxidant properties. Garlic they help control bacterial, viral, fungal, yeast and worm infections.The chemical ajoene found in garlic may help treat fungal skin infections like ringworm and athletes foot. Angiotensin II is a protein that helps our blood vessels contract thereby increasing the blood pressure. Allicin in garlic blocks the application of angiotensin II and helps in reducing blood pressure and such, it is also one of the best ingredients in an insect repellant for it smells strong and bitter that insects pull up stakes avoid. Garlic is one of the best remedy in toothache, and aside from that it is also the best ingredient in an effective insect repellant. And alcohol can also be an ingredient of an insect repellant. If this four ingredients is combined, sure, theyll gonna be a good product.A.)Background of the StudyAs an effective repellant, not only insects will avoid th at object, its ingredients are all natural. You can only find it in your backyard. We are not only breeding them how to make an effective repellant, but we are also teaching them to be thrifty, save money and use the natural ingredients in the surroundings. There is a need to avoid the attacks of the destructive insects.B.)Statement of the Problems/ObjectivesAn insect repellant is a issue to the attacks of the insects. Branded repellant has a strong chemical that might affect a person or a thing. There are many plants that can be used as a repellant which is safer.This study aims to answer the following questionsIs that repellant really effective?Is that repellant really natural?Is that repellant cannot harm a person?Is that repellant safe for the environment?C.)Significance of the StudyThe importance of this repellant is it makes the ant avoid such thing. The
Saturday, May 25, 2019
HIV AIDS Older Adults Health And Social Care Essay
Human immunodeficiency virus ( human immunodeficiency virus ) is a virus that kills the immune system s cells, taking to a Immunodeficiency syndrome ( back up ) , which is when the immune system is weakened to the point where an single gets certain types of life-threatening diseases, infections, and malignant neoplastic diseases. human immunodeficiency virus infection is ofttimes inapp atomic number 18nt and can take every bit small as a few hebdomads to look as minor flu-like symptoms and ten former(a) ages for more(prenominal) than painful symptoms, which may include concern, chronic cough, diarrhoea, conceited secretory organs, deficiency of energy, loss of appetency and weight loss, frequent febrili unites and work step to the fore suits, frequent barm infections, tegument roseolas, pelvic and abdominal spasms, sores on certain parts of your organic fertiliser structure, and short-run memory loss. older grownups, aged 50 and old(a), may non detect these human immunodefici ency virus symptoms because they may tie in them with normal aging ( human immunodeficiency virus, aid, and Older Adults, n.d. ) .As state age, slightly maturation procedures ar similar to the consequence of chronic human immunodeficiency virus on the organic structure. Apoptosis, the natural mechanism for the organic structure to acquire rid of weak or damaged cells, can take to the break of the immune system, which can likewise take to malignant neoplastic diseases this is occurs more frequently in older people with human immunodeficiency virus. Older grownups with human immunodeficiency virus excessively experience immunosenescence, too called immunologic ripening or exhaustion of T-cells, which causes a destructive high T-cell turnover and may be portion of premature ripening of the immune system ( Aging and human immunodeficiency virus, 2010 ) . Anyone is at hazard of acquiring human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS, which may be due to many different grounds. Peoples can a cquire HIV from featureing without utilizing rubbers if their finish partner is HIV positive the virus would go through from the spouse to them through the exchange of organic structure fluids, including crease, seeds, vaginal fluid, by any gap such as a tear or cut in the liner of the vagina, vulva, phallus, rectum, or oral cavity. Peoples are besides at hazard if they do non cognize their spouse s sexual and drug history they should inquire themselves if their spouse has been tested for HIV, how many different sex spouses they concord had, and if they use any drug injections. an opposite(prenominal) hazard factor is if a individual(a) injects drugs and portion acerate leafs or panpipes with other people this may non merely be applicable to drug users, other people, such as those with diabetes who inject insulin or pull blood to prove for glucose degrees, world power portion acerate leafs. In add-on, if a individual has had a blood transfusion between 1978 and 1985 or in a underdeveloped state at any clip, he or she might be besides at hazard of undertaking HIV. However, the virus can non be contracted from insouciant contact, such as agitating custodies or caressing, share-out a drink or being sneezed on by a HIV positive individual, donating blood, and mosquito bites. Using public telephone, imbibing fountain, public public toilets, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, or hot john besides does non set one at hazard ( HIV, AIDS, and Older Adults, n.d. ) .Peoples frequently believe that older grownups, 50 and older, are non at hazard for acquiring HIV because they do non hold sex, which besides contributes to the addition rate of among people in this age scope. However, surveies from the early 1990s provided declareations that proved thither is no substituteation in sexual desire after the age of 50 and experts report that more than half of people over 50 are holding sex a couple times each month. However, older grownups know less(prenominal) roughly safe s ex patterns late adolescents and immature grownups in their early mid-twentiess, which explains portion of the ontogenesis in the HIV population ( Cichocki, 2007 ) . HIV among grownups over 50 is nil new since the early 80 s, HIV in individuals older grownups have accounted for about 10 per centum of all instances. Back in the yearss, HIV was chiefly transmitted by blood among the senior population, but today, heterosexual contact and plague sharing among IV drug users over 50 are the chief causes of HIV among them ( Cichocki, 2007 ) . In add-on to cognize less about safe sex and HIV than the younger crowd, older grownups are less likely to speak about their sex life, are frequently neglected by healthcare workers and pedagogues, in footings of HIV/AIDS discipline and bar, and frequently non asked about their sex life or drug exercising by physicians. It is a batch harder for physicians to detect HIV symptoms in an older grownup ( HIV, AIDS, and Older Adults, n.d. ) .Because old er grownups may misidentify HIV/AIDS symptoms for the achings and strivings of normal aging, they are less likely to acquire tested for HIV/AIDS than younger people. In add-on, they may be embarrassed, ashamed, and fearful of being tested for HIV/AIDS, which is frequently considered a disease connected with holding sex and injecting drugs, which besides causes them to populate in isolation and to hold more terrible depression. For this ground, people age 50 and over may hold had HIV for old ages before being tested and by the clip they are diagnosed, the virus may already be in its most advanced phase. Older grownups who HIV most of the clip make non populate every bit long as immature people who have it. Many older people who have HIV/AIDS live in isolation because they are afraid to state household and friends about their unwellness. HIV/AIDS besides affects older grownups in another manner. Young people with HIV/AIDS can normally turn to their parents and grandparents for fiscal reinforcer and nursing worry, but many older people have cared for their ain HIV positive kids and so for their orphaned and nightimes HIV positive grandchildren this can be mentally, physically, and financially run outing, particularly if the individual is HIV positive because they require more attending and charge ( HIV, AIDS, and Older Adults, n.d. ) .There may besides be a connexion between HIV and climacteric. Womans who are menopausal are no chronic worried about acquiring pregnant and therefore may be less likely to lend oneself a rubber and pattern safe sex. Some menopausal adult females besides have vaginal waterlessness and cutting, intending they are more likely to hold little cryings and scratchs during sexual intercourse, which can set them at greater hazard for undertaking HIV. In add-on, due to the fact that adult females may populate longer than work forces and the lifting rate of divorce, there is an addition figure of widowed, divorced, or detached adult fem ales get downing to day of the month since many of them do non insure how HIV is spread, they are at hazard of HIV transmittal ( HIV, AIDS, and Older Adults, n.d. ) .For many decennaries bar platforms have been largely created for immature people merely a smattering has been aimed at older grownups. Simply seting images of old people on a posting or circular stating things such as stop AIDSs, withstand a rubber, or pattern safe sex, is non great deal to forestall HIV transmittal among older grownups it is of logical implicationation to understand the issue of aging and get bying with the challenges HIV provide give. Harmonizing to Ory, Zablotsky and Crystal ( 1998 ) , in order to place older grownups AIDS-related hazards behaviours, and develop educational attacks and preventative schemes for modifying any hazardous behaviour, dedicated attempt is needed ( HIV/AIDS & A Older Adults, n.d. ) .There are more or less challenges to HIV/AIDS bar for older grownups. The first challenge is that older grownups are less likely to follow HIV bar schemes than immature grownups. HIV/AIDS is besides rarely discussed among people of the same community. In add-on, older grownups are non venture of drug usage, which is a large error because older grownups are merely like everybody else and do the same things as everybody else. Many older grownups frequently signal marks of hazardous sexual behaviours, do non utilize protection, usage IV drugs and portion acerate leafs. They besides find themselves dating once more because they might be a window, separated, or divorced, and holding sex without protection. Carolyn is an old adult female who got married three times and contracted HIV, from the drug trader who was populating her, by holding unprotected sex and sharing acerate leaf for drugs injections. She did non cognize about the virus until the drug trader who was live togethering with her got hospitalized and her girl found out from the physician that he was de ceasing from HIV and prohibited Carolyn from seeing her grandchildren as a consequence ( HIV/AIDS & A Older Adults, n.d. ) .Furthermore, there is grounds that some HIV give older grownups have gotten it through sexual dealingss with the same gender. Pat is a HIV positive older grownup who has ever cognize he was lesbian since he was immature he was given four months to populate when he was diagnosed but has go throughed to get by with the disease with the support of his household. Older grownups besides do non hold proving and instruction attempts directed to them ( HIV/AIDS & A Older Adults, n.d. ) .Assorted factors should be considered in bar plans for older grownups. The best plans to work are normally those that are intensive. They should emphasize on alteration motive, attitudes, behavioural accomplishments, self-management schemes, and personal hazard decrease problem-solving. A good plan should besides be carefully do harmonizing to the cultural, lifestyle, relationsh ip and normative beliefs and values of clients.A In add-on, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and relationship values of clientsA are factors that affect the aims, content, and issues that must be addressed during the HIV bar plan. It is really of import to non presume that patients are non at hazard, to give bar messages to patients ( they should be repeated at regular intervals ) , to learn other professionals to increase consciousness of the hazard factors to older grownups and work with them to inform the older grownup community. HIV infection should besides be tested when there are unexplained symptoms ( HIV/AIDS & A Older Adults, n.d. ) .In order to forestall HIV transmittal and inform older grownups, it is besides of import to be cognizant of the job older grownups and their health care suppliers are most of the clip non cognizant of the job. In 1997, Skiest and Keiser did a study of primary attention doctors beliefs, patterns, and intelligence that pointed out many concerns. One of the concerns was that 69.7 % of the doctors give tongue to that grownups, 50 old ages and over, seldom or neer asked inquiries refering HIV or AIDS. 60.8 % besides said that they seldom or neer discussed HIV/AIDS with their patients who are 50 old ages and older, and 67.5 % of them seldom or neer discussed hazard factor decrease. Some of them besides said that they are more likely to neer inquire their older patients over 50 than their younger 1s under 30 about HIV hazard factors. In add-on, doctors did non rank the most prevailing hazard factors in patients over 50 in the right order, being ( 1 ) male-male sex, ( 2 ) endovenous drug usage, ( 3 ) blood transfusion, and ( 4 ) heterosexual sex. Physicians 40 and older were more likely to cognize the most prevailing hazard factor of HIV for older grownups. Family practicians were more likely toA seldom or neer askA older patients about hazard factors for HIV than other doctors. The study showed that primary atten tion doctors do non cognize plenty about HIV/AIDS hazard factors in older patients and do non speak enough about HIV and AIDS with older patients ( HIV/AIDS & A Older Adults, n.d. ) .It is of import to speak to older grownups about the hazards of HIV/AIDS and educate them on bar. Older people frequently open up and discourse sensitive affairs, including gender, when they feel that it is of import for their wellness or the wellness of their loved ones.A However, some may be embarrassed to uncover that they are tacit sexually dynamic at their age because society expects them non to be.A Those who do drugs injections may besides experience shame from making something illegal.A Harmonizing to Hendersen et Al, older adult females need instruction on reenforcing the possibility of HIV transmittal by heterosexual intercourse, clear uping misperceptions about transmittal, and stressing the effectivity and usage of rubbers in bar. Older grownups besides should be certified about proving they need to cognize when to be tested and that they can be treated. Prevention messages should besides be repeated so that they can be reinforced. liberal messages one time is non plenty it may increase older grownups cognition about HIV/AIDS but it will non be adequate to alter any hazardous behaviours the some older grownups have. Older grownups should besides be helped in developing the accomplishments to forestall infection.A A They may necessitate to be taught how to aright utilize a rubber and those who use injection drug may non recognize the dangers of needle sharing. Older grownups are more familiar with the usage of rubbers in gestation bar, which is a concern they no longer hold, and do non hold every bit much cognition of HIV bar by the usage of rubbers. Merely 13 % of older adult females inA Henderson et Al ( 2004 ) survey knew the efficiency of rubbers in forestalling HIV transmittal non cognizing much about how good prophylactic works in HIV bar may take to le ss usage of it. In add-on, older work forces may hold erectile troubles worse by rubber usage, which would do them non utilize condoms.A It is besides of import to speak to HIV positive older grownups because they can distribute the disease ( HIV/AIDS & A Older Adults, n.d. ) .Furthermore, it is a good thing to acquire in touch with other people who besides work with older grownups and those specialized in HIV/AIDS. It is better to work every bit group because it would increase consciousness, resources, and available information. Working with public wellness pedagogues will besides give more information about community instruction older grownups need to be able to reach services that can help them. Older grownups, particularly those who are HIV positive, will most likely need the specialised attention of an infective disease ( ID ) doctor A A other wellness attention professionals, such as gerontologists, societal workers, and instance directors most of the clip will besides nec essitate to acquire involved as the disease progresses.A As a consequence of these professionals working together, attention will be better coordinated and all other demands of the older grownup patient will be met. However, sometime other professionals may non understand the hazard of HIV infection for older grownups or may believe the myths that older grownups are non involved in drugs or are sexually active. In this instance, one should learn them so that they can be portion of the bar plan ( HIV/AIDS & A Older Adults, n.d. ) .Dedication is needed to place HIV/AIDS hazard factors and develop a good educational and preventative plan. All messages must be made for the older population those made the younger crowd may non make older grownups because they will experience as though it does nt concern them. Older grownups will non utilize rubbers unless there are given a ground to make so. If the plan is made to aim the older population, it is more likely to increase their cognition on HIV/AIDS. It is besides a good thing to hold some plans and messages directed to different groups of older grownups. One chief group is homosexual males they are at hazard due to male-to-male sexual dealingss being the taking manner of transmittal of HIV/AIDS in older grownups. Another of import group is heterosexual adult females a turning per centum of septic adult females are African American. Womans are a large part of HIV infected aged patients and African American adult females populating in a rural scene are more affected and more likely to be infected. It is disputing to inform them of the hazards because they may non desire to listen, hence integrating the message along with other medical services will assist in making them. In add-on, some messages should be directed to older grownups traveling through different phases of life they may be at hazard because of new relationships after separation, divorce, or widowhood. It is besides indispensable to chase away myths ab out older grownups because even those who work with them could believe in those myths ( HIV/AIDS & A Older Adults, n.d. ) .Overall, older grownups are more at hazard for HIV/AIDS due to the weakening of the immune system as people age. Older grownup besides are at a higher hazard of infection because they tend to hold unprotected sex because they are non any longer concern with gestation and some suffer from erectile disfunction, which might impede them from have oning rubbers. The chief cause of HIV/AIDS transmittal in older grownups is male homosexual dealingss and needle sharing. In order to inform older grownups about the hazards of HIV, it is of import to understand the issue and work as a squad with other professionals who work with them. It is besides of import to educate other professionals about HIV hazard for older grownups and chase away myths such as older grownups are non sexually active and do non hold sex. It is besides of import to direct messages to different group s in order to make older grownups more expeditiously and in order for them to take and retain the information better because it would do them associate better and experience as though it pertain to them.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Pro Hunting
The calls to ban the practice of run if enacted will sound a death reverberate to a sport that since the 16th century has become an integral part of our culture. It is a culture that has over time elicited interest in kB of participants all over Britain. I believe this practice should be upheld not just for its cultural values only also for its economic and sporting importance.Taking a look at the history of drophunting I become more convinced that this event should be upheld due to the satisfaction that it has been according to the participants. The history of fox hunting dates back to the 16th century, originally as a unionise of pest control and was carried out by English farmers. This was d wizard by the farmers to protect their livestock, as foxes had become a real threat to their goats and chickens.In some places in England, fox hunting remains largely a ground level of pest control. Should this practice be allowed I would not fathom how the opponents of fox hunting ex pect these farmers to safeguard their source of livelihood. I would not want to cod the efforts of these farmers go into waste to reciprocate the whims of some few animal rights crusaders. These foxes pose a threat not but to the existence but also to domesticated animals that are more fur-bearing and submit received months of tending and feeding. I dont see any other way that these foxes can be eliminated and the threat they pose to benevolents be reduced significantly. A look at their eating habits leaves me with a lot of disdain for foxes. Foxes can kill a whole pack of chickens speckle in the real sense it has an appetite of only one. This leads to wastage and should not be condoned hunting them down remains the most effective way of reducing these incidences( Dagmar Orendi, February 2004.I stay fox hunting in the belief that in the long run it plays a great role in ecological balancing. A cross abstract of the foxes in their natural habitats indicate that they have n o real predators in the wilderness. Their population if unchecked can rapidly increase to an unmanageable level. Man is their only real threat and is the only entity that ensures that only the best travels. I agree with the argument that has been passed on over time that fox hunting apart form controlling the population ensures the culling of the least desirable ones. In hunting only the weak succumb to the humans fury.The strong and the fast get to survive and see another down. Hence the hunting and killing of foxes should not be demonized or be viewed as an activity that seeks to fulfill the humans sadistic tendencies. I am convinced that this activity plays a great role in the ecology more than we can fathom. In the wilderness it is survival for the fittest and hunting isolates the weak from the strong ensuring only the strong breed survives.I am a great lover of sports, not only for the role that it plays in bringing individuals of change and diversified social upbringing toge ther but for the physical fitness that it instills in those that engage in it. Disregarding its original role and intentions, fox hunting is a sport that continues to create an effective forum for interactions and give individuals a chance to excise their limbs and minds. This is a sport that has evolved from far but still tends to check some of the traditional trends. In hunting the foxes, the hunters may opt to do so on foot, on horsebacks, on bicycles or using four wheels fuck off vehicles.Regardless of the means used, it is a perfect opportunity for the hunters to engage in outdoor(prenominal) activities and enjoy their fun in the rough terrain. I would feel sad to see this sort of an activity banned and the joy of spectating and engaging in the sport diminished. Watching flock foxhunt on the screen or hearing the tales of these expeditions gives me thrills and a yearning to participate in them too. By banning these practices, the authority seeks to deny us the excitement an d adventure that comes with these sports any when you hear from third parties or when you have physically participated in the fete.Fox hunting is an economic venture in that it not only seeks to reduce livestock losses but also increase the hail of jobs created. It is an economic activity that is relied upon by significant number of people. I shudder at the thought of these individuals losing their jobs over what the opponents call cruelty to animals.I dont generalise their argument when they purport to advocate for animals, while at the same time cheating to put into consideration the number of households and livelihoods that rely on fox hunting, either as a direct source of employment or due to reduced loss of their livestock. I have looked at a recent theater that was seeking to establish the number of individuals that depend on fox hunting as a source of employment in the United Kingdom. The findings were interesting. Over 7,000 people fully rely on fox hunting for their li ving. I see no reason why we should legislate against fox hunting and put into risk the lives of several thousands over arguments that do not hold any water.Although I have an unshakeable believe that fox hunting should not be outlawed, I cannot fail to look at some of the arguments brought forth by the opponents of fox hunting. Animal rights activists are convinced that fox hunting should be outlawed fully and perpetrators throw behind bars or fined. They cite a few reasons that also may be put into consideration but do not stock-purchase warrant outlawing the event. They claim that fox hunting is cruel considering the fact that the foxes end up being shredded into parts by the hunting dog. It is a very trouble affair to the foxes as they undergo a lot of suffering. They argue that fox hunting is cruel as the foxes do not die instantly but have to undergo a lot of pain.I dont find this argument strong in any way and deserving any form of attention. In the first place, foxes are hunted not primarily for sport and excitement but to reduce the threat facing the livestock. To the animal rights activists, it looks that the quality of human life and their source of livelihood is not important, what is important is that the foxes should not undergo suffering even when the strike at the livestock.A cost benefit analysis of fox hunting reveals that it has more social and economic benefits than losses. In my opinion, I find that fox hunting is a venture that seeks to kill more than two birds with a single stone. Economically, the practice is beneficial to the hostelry as it is a natural way for pest control. Socially, it provides us with an important forum whereby people in the society can interact and get to share out their experiences. The interaction play a great role in ensuring unity and cohesion and in one more way than one ensures stability in the community. As a sport, it is a practice that gives people an opportunity to engage in physical outdoor sporting A sport that not only puts their physique in to test but also their minds. I strongly believe that these and more are strong reasons why fox hunting should not be outlawed.BibliographyDagmar Orendi, February 2004. The debate about fox hunting. A social and political analysis. Retrieved on 13/10/07 from http// 2007.Hunting with dogs. Politics unspun. Retrieved in 13/10/07 from http//, R.J Fox Hunting in Scotland. Research Note RN99-17, Scottish parliament Information Centre, EdinburghMacmillan, D.C 1999. The Economic Impact of a Ban on Fox Hunting in Scotland. Research Paper 99/3, Environmental and Rural Resource Economics Group, University of Aberdeen.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Effects of Implementation of a School Uniform Policy
Donohue ( 1996 ) provinces in response to turning layers of cram in informs, teachers, pargonnts, and give lessons functionaries assimilate come to see stool day akins as angiotensin-converting enzyme positive and originative manner to thinning tear subject jobs and attach synthetic rubber. They believe that the word meaning of naturalise undifferentiated policies advise advance instruct guard duty, advance subject and heighten the acquisition environment.In the Washington ( District of Columbia ) disciplines, a cogitation of the jar of uniform/dress codifications and patterns on naturalise clime, educational attainment, and pupil affective and cognitive spheres was conducted. The consequences of the informations indicate the followers ( 1 ) grounds cited for affaire in a unbroken form _or_ system of government were based on the demand to learn pupils that fabrics do non do a individual, financial nest ballock for household, and pargonnt cite that kids might take part in an illicit act to buy interior decorator habiliment ( 2 ) simple instructs were to a greater extent likely than unoriginal trains to be be aftering to implement a unvarying polity ( 3 ) pargonnts were normally involved in developing a uniform polity in simple trains ( 4 ) there was no importingant alteration in the boilersuit att exterminateing or educational attainment after implementing a policy and ( 5 ) parents an educate staff believe that expect oning uniforms has had a positive impact on school clime ( Stevenson 1991 ) .Purpose of the SurveyThe intent of this marriage proposal is to find if school uniforms, if employ, go out bring forth a perceptual experience of a practicedr and more disciplined acquisition environment for pupils, parents, and instructors at southernmostport mall coach in St. Lucie County.Research QuestionsThe question inquiries which lead try to analyze How testament school uniforms cut fling off violent happenin gs in center(a) schools- Who forget profit the most from a school uniform policy, -What consequence get out school uniforms put one(a) across towards purposeer clothing and peer pressure- Are at that vest any benefits or fiscal nest eggs if school uniforms are implemented -What affect will school unvarying policies produce on safeguard and subject in in-between school.HypothesisThe above information indicates that school unvarying constabularies erupt to hold value. A query report refering the effects of these policies on perceptual experience of safety and subject is of import and should be pursued. The proposed survey, hence, will be based on the undermentioned hypothesisPercepts of safety and subject among pupils, parents and instructors in in-between schools are stirred by the execution of school unvarying policies. The void hypothesis is stated as follows enlighten Uniform Policies oblige no affect on instructor s, parent s and pupil s perceptual experiences of saf ety at South port in-between school.Rationale and signification of the SurveyThere impart been a figure of surveies on the execution of a school uniform policy, and all of those published down been successful in run intoing some destruction or intent. This survey serves as another stepping-stone that will offer insight so that research expireer can express the sentiments about a policy that may authentically be implemented and is of great involvement to the link of the in-between school population.on perceptual experiences of safety and subject on a audition population limited to middle school pupils, parents and instructors in St. Lucie County, Florida. A disciplined and safe acquisition environment should b a precedence demand for a good school, as pupils who are safe and secure are better pupils ( Donohue 1996 ) . In response to turning degrees of force in schools, instructors, parents, and school functionaries have come to see school uniforms as one positive and origina tive manner to cut down subject jobs and increase safety. They believe that the credence of school unvarying policies can advance school safety, better subject and heighten the acquisition environment.Nature of the SurveyIn enunciate to supply grounds of a causal nexus between variables, this survey attempts to set up a statistical kinship between the undermentioned variables.The design of the survey is descriptive, with a cross sectional design. The research is evaluate to associate the subject variable, perceptual experience of safety and subject among pupils, parents and instructors at in-between schools with the self-reliant variable, execution of school uniforms. This design appears to be appropriate so that the research worker can prove the sentiments about a policy that may really be implemented and is of great involvement to the concern of the in-between school population.Premises and RestrictionsIt is expected that the survey will hold noble internal capability as i t tests sentiments about a policy that may really be implemented and is of great involvement to the airfield participants. There is, nevertheless, a menace of loss since pupils, parents and instructors are cognizant of others involved in the research and may alter their replies consequently. The research excessively may hold high outdoor(a) cogency if the pupils are considered to be representative of all in-between school pupils in St. Lucie County.LITERATURE REVIEWThe intent of this proposal is to analyze if implementing school uniforms will bring forth a safer and more disciplined acquisition environment for pupils, parents, and instructors at Southport pose cultivate in St. Lucie County.Theoretical ModelThe information introduced in the literary reappraisal provides the footing for a nexus between school unvarying policies and the perceptual experience of safety and subject in the school environment. This information was hoard from decision makers and journalists who perfo rmed their ain experiments or observed others who had seen the alterations first-hand. In add-on, primary information has been collected from necessitate distri plainlyed to all pupils, parents and instructors at South Port Middle School. Therefore, this survey will use a descriptive, cross-sectional design. The findings in the literary reappraisal, thenceforth, will be compared with replies to questionnaire on the execution of school uniforms in the in-between school environment. A convenience try of topics who essentially select themselves by returning the questionnaire will later supply the primary informations to be analyzed.Introduction to the Literature ReviewThere is a considerable addition of literature refering school unvarying policies and their consequence upon pupil behaviour. Violence has late, been labeled by many wellness professionals as a possible menace to the overall wellness and academic success of kids ( Stephen 1996 ) . Steming force, hence, has become a precedence concern of school decision makers, particularly in the in-between school environment. Approximately one in four pupil s concerns about going a victim of offense or menaces at school, and one in eight pupils take aim holding been victimized on a school campus ( Chandler 1996 ) . As a consequence of such studies, schools have implemented force bar plans, but these plans have shown small success ( McAllister 1995 ) .As the force bar plans continue, nevertheless, decision makers, instructors, parents, and pupils have noted a possible connexion between the roles of vesture pupils wear in school and school force. Students have oning gang-related or gang-like vesture tend to rule the manner tendency at schools, particularly those in urban countries. When pupils are have oning gang-related vesture, the existent pack members frequently take the chance to come in unnoticed into schools. A pupil, hence, based on the colour or type of vesture he wears, can go the mark of knowing o r unwilled force ( Gursky 1996 ) . In add-on, the manner of vesture presently popular with in-between school pupil s loose-fitting bloomerss and outsize shirts can go a agencies of transporting m unition or drugs into school and therefore in take aimly increases the opportunity of school force.As pupils engage in the avidity to be stylish many besides set up a connexion between vesture manner and school force. Students may envy other pupil s vesture but lack fiscal resources to buy similar manners. Consequently, pupils who do own these valuable points have been violently injured or even murdered for their interior decorator apparels or gym shoes. In Detroit, a 15 year-old was shot for his eighty-dollar hoops places. In Oxon Hill, Maryland, a 17 year-old male award pupil was killed at a coach halt, caught in a cross fire during the robbery of another pupil s interior decorator jacket ( woodwind instrument 1996 ) . Consequently, school uniforms may cut down these violent happenings, necessitating kids to have on the same vesture could direct a message that all participants are on the same squad.Uniform BenefitsHistorically, uniforms have been worn for a assortment of circumstance. Nurses wear their healthful shred work garb athletic squads put on their athletics apparels, complete with squad logo and military forces dress out in fatigues or apparel unvarying to suit the juncture. Uniforms may be associated with positive or negative functions. Harmonizing to Majestic ( 1995 ) , uniforms can function several maps. First, uniforms define assort boundaries, promote group ends, and cut down function struggle. Football squad member, for illustration, do non vie against each other, but they work hand in glove to accomplish the end of winning the game. Second, uniforms can uncover function theoretical accounts. These vesture symbols tell perceivers that the wearer can be categorized as a pupil, security guard, or son Scout. Third, uniforms legitimize functions in given state of affairss by clear uping rank and function. For case, individuals dressed in fire combat uniforms would be expected to be firemen who would chukker-brown out firs. Finally, uniforms act as a symbol of group rank. Group members, even if they do non cognize each other personally, can place with each other by have oning a similar uniform.In the yesteryear, school uniforms have been used to exemplify that vesture does non do a individual. This is particularly truthful in the parochial school scene. However, oppositions of school uniforms have challenged frock ordinance by claiming a misdemeanor of the liberty involvement to command one s visual aspect which is set Forth under the Fourteenth Amendment ( Stephen 1996 ) . In 1969, the Supreme Court affirmed, in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, that official are stat histrions whose subject of pupils is constrained by the federal fundamental law ( Majestic 1995 ) , that the instance accomplishe d, the right of pupils to freedom of see to it in school unless the exercising of that right would materially and well interfere with the demands of appropriate subject or collide with the rights of others in the school ( Majestic 1995 ) .Another dictum was established in the Kelly Decision . This determination establishes a method for analysing personal visual aspect instances. Harmonizing to Potner, ( 1996 ) , who believed that a individual has a basic autonomy involvement in their personal visual aspect that can non be infringed with some screening of a rational footing related to a legitimate authorities involvement ( Majestic 1991 ) . It appears that concluding for this instance is based on the theory that pupils are capable legion limitations o their personal freedoms as an built-in portion of the educational procedure.Affects on Safety and DisciplineThe clang between pupils single rights to free look and the duty of public school governments to supply a safe and coll ateral acquisition environment helps to fuel the argument over dress-code policy. In 1988, in the Hazelwood School District v. Kuhllmeier instance, the Supreme Court found that public schools by and large are non unfastened public forums in the same sense as streets or Parkss and that school functionaries may therefore enforce sensible limitations on free address ( Potner 1996 ) . This opinion was consistent with earlier Supreme Court pronouncements that the school s alone function in advancing union for self-assurance and traditional values and in fixing persons for engagement as citizens justifies greater latitude in modulating address on school belongings ( Futrerell 1996 ) .A opinion on authoritative unvarying policy in public schools came from Maricopa County Arizona. In a 1995 instance and Arizona province justice upheld that a rigorous mandatory-uniform policy regulated free look whether the school s ground for the unvarying policy was sensible.Local school territories and single schools normally adopt a unvarying policy. Harmonizing to the Manual on School Uniforms sent to schools by the unify States Secretary of Education. Riley ( 1996 ) , finding whether to follow a school unvarying policy involves the followersFirst, choose parents involved from the beginning. Parental support of a unvarying policy is critical for success. The strongest push for school uniforms in recent old ages has come from parent groups who wish better subject.Second, protect pupils spiritual look. A school unvarying policy must suit pupils whose spiritual beliefs are well burdened by a unvarying demand.Third, protect pupils other rights of look. A unvarying policy may non forbid pupils from warring or exposing expressive points every bit long as such points do non independently contribute to break by well interfering with subject or with the rights of others.Forth, find whether to hold a voluntary or compulsory school uniform policy. Some schools have adopted volunta ry school unvarying policies that permit pupils freely to take whether and under what fortunes they will have on school uniforms.Fifth, do non necessitate pupils to have on a message. Schools should non enforce a signifier of look on pupils by necessitating them to have on uniforms bearing a substantial message, such as a political message.Sixth, assist households that need fiscal aid. School territories with unvarying policies should do commissariats for pupils whose households are ineffective to afford uniforms.Finally, treat school uniforms as portion of an overall safety plan.Uniform policy and its benefitsSchool territories across the state are sing school unvarying policies because they appear to supply ready solutions to some of the facets of school safety, pack force, arms in school, and assaults associated with theft of expensive vesture. Gang attire causes packs to be openly hostile to each other and creates and ambiance of bullying or break, and inadvertent erosion of t he incorrect colour can set a pupil s life at hazard ( Reasonably, 1994 ) . Besides, in recent old ages, some young person manners have encourage have oning baggy apparels where arms can be and hold been hidden in outsize bloomerss or overalls. These sorts of discourtesies harmonizing to Jolly would be favourably affected by promoting or necessitating uniformity in pupil school wear.School Reduction of ViolenceNolin ( 1996 ) suggests seven benefits historically cited by advocates of school uniforms viz. , the belief that ( a ) subject and ( B ) regard for the instructor are increased, ( degree Celsius ) group spirit is promoted ( vitamin D ) academic criterions are maintained through uniformity ( vitamin E ) strain on agnatic begets is eased and ( degree Fahrenheit ) there is a lessening in the race for societal position, accompanied by an ability to de-emphasise socioeconomic departure by restricting manner statements , and ( g ) interlopers on the school campus can be mor e easy identified.School uniforms can besides cut down the accent on manner wars and reenforce the acceptableness of less dearly-won school vesture. Uniforms can ease the strain on parental budgets, a uneven advantage in low-income households. Uniforms can besides cut down the usage of vesture as index of position and wealth ( Futrell 1994 ) .In add-on to further pupils to concentrate on larning instead than on what to have on, uniforms can advance peer credence, every bit good as school spirit and school pride. By have oning uniforms, pupils can take ownership in school rank, bridge the differences among widely economic degrees of pupils, and go more incorporate through the decrement in cultural and cultural tensenesss ( Cohn 1996 ) . Further, uniforms can back up the connexion between school, professional scene, acquisition, and proximo success. Some experts suggest that pupils who come to school dressed for success and ready to larn a higher chance of accomplishing their e nds ( Riley 1996 ) .In the study of the United Teachers of Dade County, Florida, about 60 per centum of the group s members supported compulsory uniforms for school kids ( Gursky 1996 ) . Similarly, of the five thousand five 100 principals surveyed as attendants of the National Association of Secondary School Principals Annual Conference in February 1996, more than 70 per centum believed that necessitating pupils to have on uniforms to school would cut down violent incidents and subject jobs ( Portner 1996 ) . Furthermore, greater than 80 per centum of Long Beach Press-Telegram readers supported school uniforms ( Chandler 1996 ) .Long Beach, California, United School District, consisting 56 simple schools and about 60 1000 pupils, was the first big urban school territory in the United States to necessitate school uniforms for all pupils, kindergarten through class eight. Since 1994, when compulsory unvarying policies were adopted in this school territory, functionaries have found t hat force and subject jobs dramatically decreased ( Potner 1996 ) . In the first twelvemonth following execution, overall school offense decreased by 36 per centum sex discourtesies, by 74 per centum physical battles between pupils, by 51 per centum school suspensions, by 32 per centum and hooliganism, by 18 per centum ( Cohn 1996 ) .Uniform Safety and DisciplineIn the Washington ( District of Columbia ) schools, a survey of the impact of uniform/dress codifications and patterns on school clime, educational attainment, and pupil affective and cognitive spheres was conducted. The consequences of the informations indicate the followers ( 1 ) grounds cited for involvement in a unvarying policy were based on the demand to learn pupils that fabrics do non do a individual, fiscal nest eggs for household, and parent concern that kids might take part in an illicit act to buy interior decorator vesture ( 2 ) simple schools were more likely than collateral schools to be be aftering to i mplement a unvarying policy ( 3 ) parents were normally involved in developing a uniform policy in simple schools ( 4 ) there was no important alteration in the overall attending or educational attainment after implementing a policy and ( 5 ) parents an school staff believe that have oning uniforms has had a positive impact on school clime ( Stevenson 1991 ) .Another survey conducted by Woods ( 1992 ) in a Chicago public school surveyed the views of parents toward a unvarying pupil frock codification. Seventy- Seven per centum of parents agreed that kids are pressured by their equals over vesture and about 80 % believed that uniforms eliminated so competition. Sixty per centum disagreed that have oning uniforms promoted positive interactions among pupils. No parents thought that unvarying frock provided any protection against packs and designation with pack vesture, but most matte up that uniforms were more economical than the purchase of school apparels. Ninety-three per centu m felt that have oning uniforms helps kids recognize that apparels do non do the individual.Finally, the few public schools that have implemented school uniforms have done so in the belief that there will be a assortment of benefits for pupils and that uniforms by themselves can non work out all the jobs of school subject, but they can be one positive lending factor to train and safety.Based on the study questionnaire, the ingest population felt that a school uniform policy would hold a positive impact on module and pupils perceptual experiences of safety and subject. some(prenominal) policy with such a positive impact on the module and pupils is good to the school.DecisionsThe consequences of this survey will assist help parents, instructors and school leaders in finding whether to follow a school uniform policy. The strongest push for school uniforms in recent old ages has come from parent groups who want better subject. School uniforms can cut down the accent on manner wars and reenforce the acceptableness of less dearly-won school vesture. Uniforms can ease the strain on parental Budges, a peculiar advantage I low-income households. Uniforms besides cut down the usage of vesture as indexs of position and wealth. In add-on to encouraging pupils to concentrate on acquisition, instead than on what to have on, uniforms can advance peer credence, every bit good as school spirit and school pride. Finally, narrow and/or bridge the differences among widely economic degrees of pupils, and go unified through the decrease in cultural and cultural tensenesss.Chapter 3. MethodologyIntroductionThe intent of this proposal is to look into if school uniforms, if implemented, would cut down force in a school environment for pupils, parents, and instructors at Southport Middle School in St. Lucie County.Research QuestionsThe Research inquiries will try to analyze How will school uniforms cut down violent happenings in in-between schools- Who will profit the most from a sch ool uniform policy, -What consequence will school uniforms have towards designer vesture and peer pressure- Are at that place any benefits or fiscal nest eggs if school uniforms are implemented -What affect will school unvarying policies have on safety and subject in in-between school.HypothesisPercepts of safety and subject among pupils, parents and instructors in in-between schools are affected by the execution of school unvarying policies.School Uniform Policies have no affect on instructor s, parent s and pupil s perceptual experiences of safety at South port in-between school.Theoretical ModelThere have been a figure of surveies on the execution of a school uniform policy, and all of those published have been successful in run intoing some end or intent.This research examines the perceptual experience toward interior decorator vesture and peer force per unit area, unvarying colourss as a step of safety, unvarying frock as a fiscal nest egg, and the impact of the frock codificat ion on self-expression ( which admits steps of subject ) . This survey will get down the procedure of interpreting of import administrative concernsthat investigate perceptual experiences of safety and subject on a example population limited to middle school pupils, parents and instructors in St. Lucie County, Florida. A disciplined and safe acquisition environment should be a precedence demand for a good school, as pupils who are safe and secure are better pupils ( Donohue 1996 ) . In response to turning degrees of force in schools, instructors, parents, and school functionaries have come to see school uniforms as one positive and originative manner to cut down subject jobs and increase safety. They believe that the acceptance of school unvarying policies can advance school safety, better subject and heighten the acquisition environment.Research DesignThe study questionnaire was administered to the sample population to find if the benefits identified in the current literature re appraisal were of import plenty to see implementing a school uniform policy. The consequences of the instructor study indicate that school uniforms had a positive impact on the module and pupils. Parents responses to the study questionnaire findings show that parents believe that purchasing uniforms provide possible fiscal nest eggs on the buying of school vesture.The consequences of the pupil study indicate that pupils are pressured by their equals over the type of apparels they wear and are sometimes ridiculed about their apparels.All relevant descriptive statistics have been reported. A likert graduated table will be constructed, and the relationship of each inquiry to the entire mark will be examined. An alpha of.05 will be utilized to see a 95 % degree of assurance.All ratio degree informations will be collapsed so that a chi-square trial can be used to demo that a relationship exists. If the ensuing statistics reach the degree of statistical significance the hypothesis will b e rejected.Sampling DesignThe population chosen for this survey includes all in-between school pupils, their instructors, their parents and instructors in St. Lucie County Florida. Subjects include convenience sampling of 30 instructors ( 17 Blacks and 13 Caucasian ) , 30 parents ( 15 Blacks, 10 Haitians and five Hispanics ) and 30 pupils ( 15 Blacks, 10 Haitians and five Spanish americans ) at Southport Middle School who answered a questionnaire refering school uniforms. The study examines toward interior decorator vesture and peer force per unit area, unvarying colourss as a step of safety, unvarying frock as a fiscal nest egg, and the impact of the frock codification on self-expression ( which includes steps of subject ) . This survey will get down the procedure of interpreting of import administrative concerns. Then informations collected from instructor, parent, and pupil studies, and the entire size of the sample and the response informations returned will be reported. The ran dom choice will justify an just distribution. The cogency of the inquiries will fall within the variables to deduce at a dependable analysis by the replies given.The design of the questionnaire consisted of several statements. Each party was asked to react to the inquiries by circling one of the three letters that most about reflects their attitude o the topic. The questionnaire provided specific statements about school uniforms and their affects on certain behaviour in school. The respondents were asked to supply an reaction bespeaking the grade to which they supported the statement ( i.e. hold, differ, or shy ) . In response to increasing school force several Teachers, Principals, Parents, and Students indicated a belief that uniforms could assist cut down force. Many people besides felt that the acceptance of school unvarying policies would take to an increased school safety, pupil subject, and pupil acquisition.The design of this survey is descriptive, with a cross sectiona l design. The research is expected to associate the dependant variable, perceptual experiences of safety and subject among pupils, parents and instructors in in-between schools with the independent variable, execution of school uniforms. The survey includes secondary informations from the literary reappraisal along with primary informations gathered from the study analyzing if a relationship exist between the variablesIt is expected that the survey will hold high internal cogency as it tests sentiments about a policy that may really be implemented and is of great involvement to the study participants. There is, nevertheless, a menace of prejudice since pupils, parents and instructors are cognizant of others involved in the research and may alter their replies consequently. The research besides may hold high external cogency if the pupils are considered to be representative of all in-between school pupils in St. Lucie County.MeasuresThis quantitative survey is descriptive, with a cro ss sectional design. The research is expected to associate the dependant variable, perceptual experience of safety and subject among pupils, parents and instructors at in-between schools with the independent variable, execution of school uniforms.This design appears to be appropriate so that the research worker can prove the sentiments about a policy that may really be implemented and is of great involvement to the concern of the in-between school population.In nightspot to supply grounds of a causal nexus between variables, this survey attempts to set up a statistical relationship between the undermentioned variables The dependant variable is the perceptual experience of safety and subject at schools where uniforms are required and the independent variable execution of a school uniform policy. A likert graduated table was constructed, and the relationship of each inquiry to the mark will be examined. An alpha degree of.05 will be utilized to see a 95 % degree of assurance.Data Col lectionThe information introduced in the literary reappraisal provides the footing for a nexus between school unvarying policies and the perceptual experience of safety and subject in the school environment. This information was collected from decision makers and journalists who performed their ain experiments or observed others who had seen the alterations first-hand. In add-on, primary information has been collected from study distributed to all pupils, parents and instructors at South Port Middle School.The research worker met with each group, instructors, parents and pupils, at a regular meeting at the school. At that clip, the studies were discussed and all inquiries were answered. The research worker noted that studies will be sent to parents and pupils who are non present at the school during meeting.The questionnaire was so distributed to all attendants respondents were given a deadline for completion and asked to return the informations by puting it in a bead box located i n the chief office of South Port Middle School. If non tolerable study questionnaires received, a 2nd questionnaire will be given to the respondents. The random choice will justify an just distribution. The cogency of the inquiries will fall within the variables to deduce at a dependable analysis by the replies given.The questionnaire provided specific statements about school uniforms and their affects on certain behaviour in school. The respondents were asked to supply an result bespeaking the grade to which they supported the statement ( i.e. hold, differ, or unsure ) . In response to increasing school force several Teachers, Principals, Parents, and Students indicated a belief that uniforms could assist cut down force. Many people besides felt that the acceptance of school unvarying policies would take to an increased school safety, pupil subject, and pupil acquisition.Datas AnalysisThe study questionnaire was administered to the sample population to find if the benefits identi fied in the current literature reappraisal were of import plenty to see implementing a school uniform policy. The consequences of the instructor study indicate that school uniforms had a positive impact on the module and pupils. Parents responses to the study questionnaire findings show that parents believe that purchasing uniforms provide possible fiscal nest eggs on the buying of school vesture.The consequences of the pupil study indicate that pupils are pressured by their equals over the type of apparels they wear and are sometimes ridiculed about their apparels.All relevant descriptive statistics have been reported. A likert graduated table was constructed, and the relationship of each inquiry to the entire mark will be examined. An alpha of.05 will be utilized to see a 95 % degree of assurance.All ratio degree informations will be collapsed so that a chi-square trial can be used to demo that a relationship exists. If the ensuing statistics reach the degree of statistical signi ficance the hypothesis will be rejected.Internal CogencyThis research is expected to associate the dependant variable, perceptual experience of safety and subject among pupils, parents and instructors at in-between schools with the independent variable, execution of school uniforms. It is expected that the survey will hold high internal cogency as it tests sentiments about a policy that may really be implemented and is of great involvement to the study participants. There is, nevertheless, a menace of prejudice since pupils, parents and instructors are cognizant of others involved in the research and may alter their reply consequently.External CogencyThe research besides may hold high external cogency if the pupils are considered to be representative of all in-between school pupils. It is anticipated that the information gathered will ensue in the null-hypothesis beingness rejected.Sampling DesignThe population chosen for the survey includes in-between school pupils, their parents and instructors in St. Lucie County. Subjects include a non-probability convenience sampling of pupils, parents, and instructors at South Port Middle School, in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, who answered a questionnaire refering the execution of school uniforms.South port Middle consists of about 50 instructors and 1,216 pupils. Teachers in this school represent a broad assortment of ages and old ages of experience in the instruction field. Parents besides represent a broad assortment of ages that come from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Students are ages twelve through 16 and stand for different racial backgrounds. partner Review DiscussionThe research survey will look into if school uniforms, if implemented, would cut down force in a school environment for pupils, parents, and instructors at Southport Middle School in St. Lucie County. The population chosen for the survey will include all in-between school pupils, their parents and instructors. Subjects include a non-probabilit y convenience sampling of 30 instructors ( 17 Blacks and 13 Caucasian ) , 30 parents ( 15 Blacks, 10 Haitians and five Hispanics ) and 30 pupils ( 15 Blacks, 10 Haitians and five Spanish americans ) at Southport Middle School who answered a questionnaire refering school uniforms. The study examines how will school uniforms cut down violent happenings in in-between schools-who will profit the most from a school unvarying policy-are there any benefits or fiscal nest eggs if school uniforms are implemented-what affect will school unvarying policies have on safety and subject in in-between school.The survey began the procedure of interpreting of import administrative concerns into the undermentioned hypothesis Percepts of safety and subject among pupils, parents and instructors in in-between schools are affected by the execution of school unvarying policies. The primary informations will be collected from instructor, parent, and pupil studies, and the entire size of the sample and the r esponse informations returned was reported. The consequences of the study include the undermentioned A great bulk of instructors believe that apparels do non do a individual. The bulk of parents believe that uniforms provide possible fiscal nest eggs on school apparels for the hereafter. Eighty per centum of pupils believe that there is peer force per unit area based on the type of apparels kids wear.The design of the survey will be a descriptive survey, with a cross sectional designed. An alpha degree.05 was used to guarantee a 95 % degree of assurance. The ordinal degree informations was collapsed so that a chi-square trial can be used to find whether a relationship exists. The variables in the survey efforts to back up the research that linked the dependant variable, perceptual experience of safety and subject among pupils, parents and instructors at in-between schools with the independent variable, execution of school uniforms. The survey besides include secondary informations f rom literary reappraisal along with primary informations gathered from the study limited to information complied by instructors, parents and pupils, which is expected that the survey will hold high internal cogency as it tests sentiments about a policy that may really be implemented and is of great involvement to the study participants. There is, nevertheless, a menace of prejudice since pupils, parents and instructors are cognizant of others involved in the research and may alter their replies consequently. The research besides may hold high external cogency if the pupils are considered to be representative of all in-between school pupils in St. Lucie County. Therefore, it is anticipated that the information gathered will ensue in the null-hypothesis being rejected.Expected FindingssIt is anticipated that the void hypothesis will be rejected and the research perceptual experiences of safety and subject among pupils, parents and instructors in in-between schools are affected by the execution of school unvarying policies, will be supported. Harmonizing to Jolly ( 1999 ) school territories across the state are sing school unvarying policies because they appear to supply ready solutions to some of the facets of school safety, pack force, arms in school, and assaults associated with larceny of expensive vesture.Ethical IssuesTo protect from injury the research worker will admit regard for individual the participant s liberty and duty to esteem that liberty to protect participants with lessened liberty from possible development, and illustration of this would be the kids. In this survey Beneficence will besides be applied, which obligates the research worker to protect participants from injury every bit good as besmirch hazards ensuing from the research. Confidentiality, privateness, and namelessness The research worker will do equal commissariats to guarantee that participant s individualities will non be revealed in the class of the research ore airing of resear ch consequences. Then, there is Informed consent/assent, which may besides be needed mentioning to Assent if the possible research participants are kids of appropriate healed and have the ability to grok it means understanding to take part in research is needed and or release of acquiescence due to age if the research involves no more than minimum hazard. Finally, Justice, that requires just distribution by avoiding selected participants entirely because they are accessible or easy to act upon.DecisionHarmonizing to Jolly ( 1999 ) school territories across the state are sing school unvarying policies because they appear to supply ready solutions to some of the facets of school safety, pack force, arms in school, and assaults associated with larceny of expensive vesture. Research besides indicates the few public schools that have implemented school uniforms have done so in the belief that there will be a assortment of benefits for pupils.As the force bar plans continue, neverthele ss, decision makers, instructors, parents, and pupils have noted a turning degree of force in schools. School functionaries have come to see school uniforms as one positive and originative manner to cut down force, subject jobs, and increase safety. They believe that the acceptance of school unvarying policies can advance school safety, better subject and heighten the acquisition environment. Any policy with such a positive impact on the module and pupils is good to the school.Finally, since school territories determine whether to follow school unvarying policies, each territory should reexamine the literature presented in the survey and the informations created for this research survey to find if they want to implement a school uniform policy. In add-on, schools that utilize school uniforms should ever describe their advancement so that future research workers will be able to do determinations on school uniform policy with minimal attempt.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Organizational Goals Essay
Organizational goals be crucial to success in the workplace. This paper entails how to incorporate organic law and goals into the workplace and the benefits it secures.The prime(prenominal) step to containning a successful comp all is to ensure proper organizational visualisening has taken place. Proper patternning is an obvious route that allows a manager to prep atomic number 18 for and fore gain any future issues. Setting goals and markers ensure that all sections are working within expected time restraints and budgeting time effectively. proviso enables a manager to predict how much time and energy needs to be spent on specific tasks and prioritize as salutary as anticipate upcoming hiccups and take preventative measures. Managers can often reflect back on previous blunders to learn from prior mistakes, and take actions to prevent them from casualty again. Planning is often the managers responsibility, hardly the entire department is accountable for their productivity and therefore need to be honest and realistic when considering strategies and creating a game plan. Planning and absolute are inseparable parts of the management system.Standards are set in planning, and the controlling system uses those standards to identify and correct problems. Reilly, M., Minnick, C., & Baack, D. (2011). A manager should call a weekly meeting to review the past set goals and redistribute work when necessary. At these meetings a manager will prize how much time has been assigned to tasks and assist the police squad in any errors or mishaps that may come along. The manager is then able to realistically see how much time is being allotted to individual assignments and revise as necessary. The team can use this time to see the big picture and take any concerns or issues they throw with the work thus far. The team should maximize the time spent in this meeting to ensure their responsibilities are well soundless and any lapses in communication is put to rest.On ce a team is in understanding of the assignments they are aware of what is expected of them and can divide the workload amongst the team and work at maximum efficiency. Setting realistic expectations and goals are crucial to providing an operational plan. Goals clarify performance expectations, establish a frame of bring up for feedback, and provide a basis for self-management (Reilly, Minnick, Baack, 2011).Both parties need to be aware of their expectations in order to operate with little everywheresight and micromanaging. With a solid plan in place, a manager is able to expect a smooth road to completion and the team is able to work independently to complete their tasks reducing the add up of time wasted in communication breakdowns, fusses over workloads, and incompetence. Once a plan is in place, the second nigh important step is the art of organizing. Without a solid foundation of organization even the best planning can be worthless. Organization is an essential tool contrib uting to the success in business. wise to(p) your team and their abilities is the first step. Directing a team is the managers responsibility and in order to direct a team effectively, one must(prenominal) understand their teams strengths and decrepitnesses.A manager must be able to rely on their histrions and have near confidence in their abilities. unmatched mistake often seen in the workplace is lack of organization. Knowing where and how the information you rely on as well as the materials you need will unbosom you time, energy and stress. A vital role in organizing is ensuring your mental faculty is well assigned to their duties and responsibilities therefore eliminating time wasted. Materials need to be made available to employees to weapon their plans and provide a well-organized function of work. Employee organization is fundamental when assigning tasks and projects. In most professions it needs to be clear on who is running what project and where they are able to seek help as well as distribute work they are unable to handle. Working within deadlines means that everything needs to run smoothly because time is not often a luxury. Often plans can go awry and when that happens the most productive employees are the ones who know how to put a fire out as well as who to seek in case of a problem in other words, a well-organized employee.Planning and controlling are inseparable parts of the management system. Standards are set in planning, and the controlling system uses those standards to identify and correct problems. Reilly, M., Minnick, C., & Baack, D. (2011). Setting realistic company standards and ensuring your meeting those standards with regular meetings and oversight are great ways to ensure your planning for success. Overseeing goals and employee performance regularly can lead to new and much efficient planning processes. Giving extra attention to what processes have worked in the past and adjusting workloads accordingly are great ways t o ensure that a company is planning and organizing for the future. This typewrite of planning and organizing helps keep the company up to maximum potential. Rewarding quality work and adjusting where improvements can be made help keep the company on track and moving towards overconfident goals and benchmarks.When considering all the planning and organizing we need to remember that the absolute failsafe is hiring and plying capable and competent employees. The first step to strategical staffing is identifying needs. Assess what locations are crucial to the companys overall functions. (Carabelli, 2011) Hiring and employing a staff thats capable and proficient directly reflects your departments abilities and reliability. Staff planning for your department is maintaining, balancing, and preparation for a companys human assets. Companies need to be able to retain workers that prove valuable and equilibrise the overall skill and endowment fund so that there are no shortages or surp luses. Shortages and surpluses of work talent can create unhappy workers or lower motivation while maintaining worker production in the case of a surplus. Preparation is perhaps the most important aspect as far as helping achieve organizations strategic objectives. Lets compare a company to a baseball team.In order to be successful, you need a team made up of a balance of different talents. You cant have all pitchers, because youre team most likely wont bat well. If you have too many outfielders, some will have to sit the bench or play in the infield where they make more(prenominal) errors. A fast player with great bunting skill is a huge weapon in key situations, but if you had a whole lineup of bunters teams would declare against it and make you play to your weaknesses because there is no balance. With the right balance of talent in each area of the team, offense, defense, pitching, etc., a team will be most effective. Thats why teams have to strategize what players to bring in or sign, they need to plan how to have a balance of good talent and put in them in the best position to make the most successful team. Companies are very similar they analyze talent and try to create the best balance and mix of it under a budget to succeed. Organizing a team is a crucial part of planning for success.A few loose cannons or sluggish workers can create a world of chaos in an already stressful work environment and therefore careful selection as well as assessing work relationships among employees is vital. Employees who work well together will communicate more effectively, be more spontaneous to work as a team and help each other out, as well as distribute work evenly and fair. Positive interoffice relations are important because the work flow is such a delicate process and a simple breakdown in communication can be fatal to a time culture medium project. People need to be able to rely on one another and be able to work with, as well as over and under their team. Re cruiting quality staff isnt easy, and although someone may be qualified, they need to be manageable. Someone with an oversized ego may be overqualified but difficult to work with. Another common issue in my workplace is someone feeling overworked and underappreciated. Employees should feel as if they are each pulling their freight and working together for the final project. If an employee feels abused or neglected they often perform under par and can therefore cause a weak link within your department.Rewarding quality work and adjusting where improvements can be made help keep the company on track and moving towards positive goals and benchmarks. Company moral is important when considering a happy employee is a fruitful employee. Ensuring employees feel validated and appreciated isnt easy, but a manager who oversees their staff regularly and meets often is more aware of the employees issues and can help to resolve them before becoming a problem. A manager who often addresses any em ployee concerns when conducting weekly goals and actualization of projects can help prevent putting additional stress or strain on the team by correcting the issues before they contract a major issue. Employee retention is an essential goal for a company and in order to achieve that goal one must consider the reasons employees succeed. Erg is a theory constructed of needs. The abbreviation E stands for existence needs. Existence needs are physical and material welfare needs. These existence needs are met with basic disembodied spirit motivators such as food, clothing and shelter. Often these are easily met but must be considered when regarding motivators. The abbreviation R stands for Relatedness needs.The relatedness needs are wants for satisfying interpersonal relationships. (Schermerhorn, 2012) Ensuring an employee has their relatedness met is important because a healthy work/life balance is a great way to ensure a happy and content employee. The abbreviation G stands for Growt h needs are desires for continued personal growth and development.(Schermerhorn, 2012) This is the true motivator in managers eyes. Giving the opportunity for advancement in the workplace is a great way to motivate employees as well as better train and develop yours staff. There are no losers in this approach and therefore a top leader choice. Most employees succeed when they are well trained and developed for their roles. An employee who has confidence and the ability to do their contrast well will often find satisfaction within their job and take pride in their work. When developing an employee management can play a major role in aiding the employee to better educate and further train themselves therefore becoming more of a company asset.Boosting motivation within an organization is a great way to keep things moving in a positive, efficient, and effective manner. (Yousesef, 2012) Employees who are well educated and feel as if their company is willing to support them in furthering their education will often stay with a company rather than outgrow their position. Someone who was hired in an administrative position might educate themselves further to create more opportunity within their workplace and adding skills to their resume. Ensuring the staff is well maintained, trained, and motivated is a great way to pass your goals to the best of your abilities. Employees need to be well trained and efficient as well as willing to be developed to the best of the companies abilities. Developing employees is a great way to boost company moral because it shows the managers are aware of the hard work put forth by an employee and reward that with additional resources, attention, and opportunity. relentless training is a great way to see that your staff is operating at maximum potential. Knowledge is power and a more knowledgeable staff is a more powerful staff. On the job training can be used in downtime to further develop evolving employees and help them reach their ful l capabilities. When evaluating to see if education and training is effective testing and feedback are great ways to assess if the investment has held apprize. If an employee enriches themselves through training and therefore bring more to the table for the company, the company made a good investment. If the employee was incapable of learning from the training the company may want to reconsider investing any more time and money into training someone not able to make the most from the opportunity.Employees who value the opportunity and see it as a wager in their favor will take the opportunity seriously and put forth a solid effort to make the most from it. People who appreciate and value their jobs and wish to create a future within the company will put forth the effort, dedication, and commitment to further development. By creating a team that is fully capable, educated, motivated, and happy you are planning for success. Retaining high aspirations and goals are great for workplac e organization and planning, but within moderation. Creating a plan and sticking to it is easier said than done. Adjusting your plan as needed when hiccups do arise is key. Often when plans fail people lose patience and faith. Planning can be frustrating, but understanding how the plan failed is important when considering how to plan for the future.REFERENCESchermerhorn, J., Osborn, R., Uhl-Bien, M., & Hunt, J. (2012). Organizational behavior. (12th ed.). Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 9780470878200 Reilly, M., Minnick, C., Baack, D. (2011). The Five Functions of Effective Management. San Diego Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Carl Carabelli, Demand Media. What Are Some Overall Strategic Staffing Functions? Houston Chronicle. (2012) Hearst CommunicationsYoussef, C. (2012). valet resource management. San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education.
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