Friday, January 24, 2020
Masking Ends in Deception, Much Ado About Nothing Essays -- essays res
Masking Ends In Deception?      Shakespeare used many literary devices throughout his history to create timeless classics. Much Ado About Nothing is no exception. He used things such as themes, symbols and motifs to create this effect. Masking is the prominent motif in Much Ado About Nothing. It is seen many times over in this play. There are two kinds of masking that Shakespeare used in Much Ado. One is literal masking, this where a character actually wears a mask during the play. This is seen several times. There is also another form of masking that was used in Much Ado About Nothing, this is literary masking and this is when characters hide and/or makeup plots to put into others heads for a benefit or a cause.      In Act II, scene i, a â€Å"masked ball†was underway in a hall in Leonato’s house. This is a prime example of literal masking. In the previous scene, Don Pedro learned of Claudio’s love for Hero. Since he is the â€Å"cupid†of this story, he decides that at the ball he will mask himself as Claudio to determine if Hero’s love is returned. So while at the ball, Don Pedro, masked as Claudio, dances with Hero and says, â€Å"Speak Low, if you Speak love.†Of course she agrees, and eventually she and Claudio plan to be married the following Friday.      During Act II, scene ii, Don John sets up a plan of yet another act of masking. His plan is set up so Borachio looks to be making love to Hero, yet he...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Should the Drinking Age Stay the Same
Madelene Radillo Enc 1101/ Research Paper Prof. John Colagrande Many people use alcohol to â€Å"loosen themselves up†in anticipation of having sex with a new partner. It is a commonly held a belief that alcohol is an aphrodisiac. Since drinking alcohol can make people feel more comfortable engaging in sex it can lead to a one night stand, and a handful of sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually active teens and young adults have unprotected sex because they are under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol can make anyone become more sexual and do things that were not planned, which is a leading factor in teenage pregnancy. It is estimated that teenage girls who binge drink are up to 63 percent more likely to become pregnant. Another problem with drinking too much alcohol is that it can cause a blackout which may lead to a date rape. The victim has no recognition of what is going on in their surroundings and may go along with any scheme. As of April 2008 â€Å"more than 97,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape each year. Also, among university students â€Å"over one-half of all sexual assaults are committed by men who have been drinking alcohol, while approximately 50% of victims also report alcohol use at the time of the assault†(www. collegedrinkingprevention. gov) Even with the drinking age being 21, there is a target market made to promote underage drinking. People tend to argue that if men and women are old enough to fight for their country then they should be old enough to drink. This may be true, but an 18 or 19 year old who has joined the military and been broken down, trained, and rebuilt almost always comes back different then when they came in. They are taught structure and discipline; two key factors that may be lacking in a regular civilian. Unfortunately, teens in today’s social environment tend to think that they are invincible and will do just about anything in order to fit in. The problem seems to be in their lack of guidance and or experience. Nowadays, children tend to find their morals in reality television shows and music videos, rather than in structured social environments (i. e. school, home, church etc. ). Teens and young adults (college students) are not ready to handle the responsibility that drinking entails or the repercussions that follow when too many drinks are put into the wrong hands. Lowering the drinking age will only add to the problem.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Colony Of Algeria - 1916 Words
The colony of Algeria was one of many that were established by the French in order to rectify their diminishing image on an international scale. Throughout history the nation of France has seemed to be in the shadows of Great Britain, as well as struggling to keep up with their advancements. Throughout the 19th century, France experienced its fair share of losses, bad leaders, and through their eyes, national embarrassment. The new republic signified a New France, and imperialistic pursuits were one way they intended to regain the stature that they had lost and longed for throughout the course of history. Algerian and French relations had begun early in the 1800’s, but became deeply rooted following the Berlin Conference which revamped European nations desire to imperialize. This colony, along with many was the nation’s way to the top and would not be released lightly. The French who were famous for their revolution disregarded their historical past, as they infiltrated Algerian soil and were negatively impacted in the long run by the colonization process. In particular, the colony of Algeria halted French pursuits to international stardom through resistance, and attributed to the further decline of the once great nation, as result of the harshness that the French imposed onto the natives. The history of the French was filled with the ideas of enlightenment that promoted self-rule and individualization. By choosing the path of colonialism, the French people were opting toShow MoreRelatedThe French And Of Decolonization1528 Words  | 7 PagesFrench empire; at its height, was one of the largest empires ever in human history, spanning 11.5 million square miles. (Taagepera) Despite its impressive standing, the empire began to shrink and deteriorate after World War Two ended, with French colonies being allowed to become independent states. The British empire went through the same process of decolonization, but approached it in a different method from the French. The French approach not only affected the foreign relations between the new statesRead MoreThe Ungoing Algerian War Fought between France and the Algerian Independence Movement783 Words  | 3 Pagesepidemics. French policy was predicated on civilizing the country and Algerias social fabric suffered during t he occupation. Since 1848 the French have administered Algeria as an integral part and dà ©partement of the nation. Being one of France’s longest-held overseas territories, thousands of European immigrants arrived in Algeria and came to be known as the Pied-Noirs. These European settlers benefited from the French government’s confiscation of communal land from indigenous Algerians and theRead MoreThe Invasion of Algeria by France Essay1609 Words  | 7 PagesFrance invaded Algeria to bring the â€Å"blessings of colonization. The main objective for the French invading Algeria was for economic gain and become known as one the most superior and dominant nations of Europe. France changed the lives of many Africans which led to Algerians applying for citizenship in their own country. The Algerians endured many hardships after the French came into the picture. Things did not change for the better, but for the worst. The French â€Å"imposed more and higher taxesRea d MoreAlgeri A Lack Of Medical Knowledge916 Words  | 4 PagesAlgeria is located in North Africa on the Mediterranean Sea. It is situated to the west of Libya and Tunisia and east of Morocco. The north is fertile and mountainous, in contrast to the south that includes parts of the Sahara desert. In all, more than four-fifths of Algeria is desert. Algeria is 919,590 square miles and is the tenth largest country in the world. The country’s population is 29.2 million and is growing annually at 2.2 percent. About 75 percent of all residents are under the age ofRead MoreThe Causes Of Decolonization After World War II979 Words  | 4 Pagesformer colonies of a colonial power’’ (OED). The factors that caused this transformation are colonial nationalism, politics, religious and ethnic movements and international pressure. During this time, the colonial powers were weakened, which brought opportunity for independence to many regions like French North Africa and In dia. Consequently, relationships between countries changed and they became opposed to colonialism. Therefore, many countries wanted to gain independence from colonies and empiresRead MoreCompare and Contrast Old and New Imperialism Essay1217 Words  | 5 Pagespositive balance of trade. New Imperialism took place from 1750-1914 -colonial expansion adopted by Europe’s powers and later Japan and the United States -During the 19th and early 20th centuries expansion took place from the French conquest of Algeria until WW1 -This period is distinguished by an unprecedented pursuit of overseas territorial acquisitions -The Berlin Conference -organized by Bismark to provide for a more orderly conquest of Africa Old Imperialism was the period from 1450-1750Read MoreFrench Decolonization: Conflict in Algeria2602 Words  | 11 Pagesin Algeria Burianchello Content: Introduction.........................................................................................................3 The emergence of the French colonies...............................................................3 The emergence of the French colonies in the territory of Algeria......................4 The system of colonial rule in Algeria..............................................................4-6 Termination of the French colony of AlgeriaRead MoreWomen Of Algiers By Pablo Picasso974 Words  | 4 Pageswith different historical context, they still share some similarities, but also some differences. Delacroix painted â€Å"Women of Algiers†in 1834, two years after the French colonization of Algeria. Most people view his painting as accurate because he visited Algeria just two years previous (Ma). Delacroix went to Algeria in 1832 as part of a diplomatic mission for France. Because of this, some people believe that â€Å"Women of Algiers†was â€Å"propaganda for France’s imperialist ambition (Ma 9).†The paintingRead MoreThe End Of The Second World War2286 Words  | 10 PagesAt the end of the Second World War, France had to leave its Middle Eastern and Asian colonies. The promotion of nationalism and anti-colonialism in the empire and the loss of imperial tenacity in France led to its withdrawal from most of its colonies. Adding to that, France was one of the Allied Powers, and the The Atlantic Charter that was produced in 1941 stipulated that the Allied powers needed to achieve certain goals if they won Second World War, and one was that all pe ople and nations hadRead MoreThe Colonial Harem By Malek Alloula1392 Words  | 6 PagesHarem is an essay written by an Algerian writer called Malek Alloula. This essay is divided into ten chapters. Postcards being the object of study and examination. More specifically the postcards that were created and sent by the French colonists of Algeria in the first three decades of the eighteenth century. The Algerian women being the subjects of attention.  Alloula explains that his study is â€Å"to map out, from under the plethora of images, the obsessive scheme that regulates the totality of the output
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