Monday, December 30, 2019
The Impact Of Organizational Culture On Project Management...
The Impact of Organisational Culture on Project management Abstract Two companies do not always get the same success level of projects even if they used same project management process for similar projects. The reason which leads to this situation is related to the culture of the organisation. Organisational culture, a conceptual issue, which influence the success rate of project management during the life cycle of a project. This study finds out that organisational culture affect project management in four ways: 1) Getting support from top managers, 2) employee engagement and commitment to goal, 3) project planning and 4) communication. All these four aspects are vital factors related to effective project management. Organisational culture, a topic is less mentioned in the project management books, should be taken care by institutes. Keywords: Organisational culture, project management 1. Introduction Organisational culture, or corporate culture is a long-lasting topic in both business and academic research. Organisational culture can be considered as a pattern of shared basic assumptions, which mentioned in Schein’s paper (2004), solved the problems of external adaptation and internal integration, so that the group learned it and tells new members the right way using this pattern to deal with those problems. Around 82% project teams seemed to have cultures which were very similar in all respects to the culture of the parent organisation (Gray, 2001). Therefore, ifShow MoreRelatedProject Management : Management Culture1499 Words  | 6 PagesProject Management Culture Whether one is referring to a recently formed company or an organization that has been in existence for years, all organizations can be identified according to their culture. Project or program management styles may vary based on an organization’s goals, objectives, and established organizational culture. Furthermore, whether managing a project or program, the culture of an organization can sometimes influence the project or program management culture. OrganizationalRead MoreOrganizational Culture And Human Behavior1323 Words  | 6 PagesSuccessful projects are those that are completed within the agreed upon scope and budget, and on time. Cost and schedule overages cause majority of projects unsuccessful. Therefore, it is imperative that organizations employ better ideas and novel methodologies and frameworks in managing projects (Murthy, 2014). A major factor of a project’s success is the behavior of the employees. Employee behavior is influenced by organizational culture and leadership. This paper will briefly explore the influenceRead MoreOrganizational Culture And Program Culture1138 Words  | 5 PagesRunning head: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND PROGRAM CULTURE 1 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND PROGRAM CULTURE 6 Organizational Culture and Program Culture Brandi Miller PJM 500 ? 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We will first look at how organizational culture impacts organizational structure and vice versa. Then look at how organizational structure interacts and impacts the organization’s decision process. Organizational Cultures Impact on Organizational Structure The first part of this week’s assignment was to look at how organizational structure impactsRead MoreUnderstanding Matrix Structures1065 Words  | 5 Pagespeople, processes, and flexible organizational structures (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, Konopaske, 2009). The flexibility of an organization’s structure depends on the relationships that determine organizational workflow, authority and communication (Covin, Slevin, Schultz, 1994). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Essay on Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis - 2588 Words
THE METAMORPHOSIS In the opening lines of German author Franz Kafkas’ short story narrative â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, the protagonist Gregor Samsa a disgruntled traveling salesman who lives with and supports his parents and little sister, awakens from a night of unpleasant dreams to find that he has been metamorphosed into a cockroach he calls a â€Å"monstrous vermin†(Kafka, page 89). This particularly strange opening sets the stage for in my opinion, a very strange and very vague play. I say this because throughout the whole story we never find out much less are given any clue of how or why he managed to be metamorphosed into this insect. Not to mention what the moral of the story is or the fact that this whole book reads like one big†¦show more content†¦However Gregor fails to realize that the metamorphic change into a cockroach has not only affected his appearance but it has changed his speech pattern as well. He not only looks like a cockroach but his voice which s ounds normal to him translates to others in the sound of a cockroach. Upon hearing this insect like sound and seeing Gregor as he now is the chief clerk leaves the Sama’s residence never to return taking not only Gregor’s job with him but all hopes of Gregor ever repaying the family debt. Gregor is then chased into his room by his dad and forced to basically spend most of his time there until his time was up. During the time that Gregor was forced to live out the remainder of his existence in his now prison like room, many family matters occur. For one his younger sister whom he is used to taking care of now trades places with him as far as roles in responsibility go. She now after years of good loving and nurturing feels obligated to repay Gregor for all his years of dedication. Since Gregor in his current metamorphosed state cannot do his every day activities, she sees to it that he is feed and his room is kept clean though she personally finds it hard to look at him for undisclosed reasons. While she is doing this it is interesting to see how much utter disgust and loath his father looks at him with, and not for just physical reasons either. This after years ofShow MoreRelatedFranz Kafkas The Metamorphosis640 Words  | 2 PagesKafka’s The Metamorphosis, is the story of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who is responsible for the financial well-being of his entire family, ye t experiences an unfortunate metamorphosis into a giant bug. However, while Gregor undergoes a disturbing physical transformation, the family dynamic changes drastically as well. The family’s treatment of Gregor slowly deteriorates from them regarding him as the basis for their financial success and security to regarding him as no more than an extraordinaryRead MoreFranz Kafkas The Metamorphosis Essay1105 Words  | 5 Pagesshort story, The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka. My purpose is to explain to my classmates the short story’s goal what Kafka wanted to transmit to people. I want to expand more why this short story is considered one of the best poetic imagination works. In my research I expect to use Kafka’s work, The Metamorphosis as my primary source. Important other sources include essay critiques from different editors, which will help us to understand much more what Franz wanted to expressRead MoreFranz Kafkas Metamorphosis Essay1132 Words  | 5 Pagesto me? he thought.†(Kafka, 495) This quote is from the narrator in Kafka’s tale; The Metamorphosis, when Gregor Samsa wakes up and finds himself turned into a giant insect, and it was apparently not a dream. Gregor was a traveling salesman, he hated his job, but he was forced to stay in that business in order to pay his father’s debts to his boss, and maintain a comfortable lifestyle to his family. Kafka presents the metamorphosis event in an interesting way, when it seemed that Gregor was not shockedRead More Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis Essay779 Words  | 4 PagesFranz Kafkas Metamorphosis The play metamorphosis was written by Franz Kafka but Steven Berkoff produced a theatre adaptation of Metamorphosis in the late 1960’s. Kafka was born 1883, his childhood was most troubling and life hard, as he was a Jew growing up in German culture, also being ignored and alienated is why Kafka could relate to the character Gregor. Kafka had a hard relationship with his Father who would mistreat him and often tell Kafka he was a failure and a disappointmentRead MoreA Summary of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis1244 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Metamorphosis Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis is a chilling story of a man named Gregor, who wakes one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect. As expected, his family is shocked, but tries to adjust to the situation. However, over time his family comes to reject him and sees his continued existence as a burden. Wishing him dead, his family gets their wish when Gregor finally dies and his loss is then seen as a blessing. Although the author meant this tale to be symbolic of theRead MoreLiterary Structure of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis724 Words  | 3 PagesAn Analysis of the Structure of The Metamorphosis The structure of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis establishes it as a kind of inverted, adult fairy-tale, in which regression (rather than progression) of forms occurs, good goes unrewarded and unappreciated, and evil triumphs. The story, of course, is satirical in concept, but the satire is felt chiefly because of the way in which the story stands the concept of the fairy-tale on its head. Gregor, who in a childs story, might progress from bugRead MoreFranz Kafkas Novella, The Metamorphosis Essay1199 Words  | 5 PagesOne of the saddest aspects of Franz Kafkas novella, The Metamorphosis, concerns the fact that young Gregor Samsa genuinely cares about this family, working hard to support them, even though they do little for themselves. On the surface, Kafkas 1916 novella, seems to be just a tale of Gregor morphing into a cockroach, but, a closer reading with Marx and Engels economic theories in mind, reveals an imposing metaphor that gives the improbable story a great deal of relevan ce to the structure of Read MoreIsolation In Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis1145 Words  | 5 Pageswho chose to be away from their problems in the world. Everyone in the Samsa family has their own reasons of why they chose to be isolated from society. Due to these choices, the entire Samsa family also undergo transformations. The book, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka , reveals how isolation in the Samsa family really plays apart as to who they are and what they represent in society.   The entire Samsa family portrays their isolation in unique ways. Beginning with Grete, Gregor’s little sister. GreteRead MoreStandards in Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis Essay803 Words  | 4 PagesIn Franz Kafka’s story The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa falls victim, to some strange affliction which somehow turns him into a colossal insect of some sort. His bizarre and tragic story takes place in a European apartment in the early twentieth century; a time in which much stock was placed in both etiquette and the appearance of propriety. These standards found throughout the society in which he is placed leads to his ultimate downfall. When Gregor wakes up in his bed to find he has become anRead MoreEssay on Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis604 Words  | 3 Pages In the Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka transforms the main character, Gregor Samsa, into a bug. Kafka chose the bug for several reasons. The bug is a symbol for the life that Gregor has. His life is full of loneliness and emptiness. Furthermore, Kafka wrote this book shortly after the Industrial Revolution. There is a connection between the bug-form of Samsa and the transformation of workers into machines. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gregor Samsa is a traveling salesman who brings in most of the income
Saturday, December 14, 2019
E-Business Evolution Free Essays
E-Business Evolution By: Scott Pitcher BIS 375 October 22, 2012 Prof. Alanzo White ? E-Business Since the dawn of the Internet business have been finding more was to utilize the Internet in a way to reach consumers that would otherwise not have known of the company products. In the 1990’s e-business came to the Internet it was unlike the conventional way of conducting business, for example before when the consumer wanted to order something out of a catalog he or she would pick the item then call the business and tell customer service what he or she wanted. We will write a custom essay sample on E-Business Evolution or any similar topic only for you Order Now The next step would be going down and checking the product that was purchased and then taking it home. Well things have changed since the days of ordering by phone and then going and picking up the purchased item. Now in the present time he or she can order products via the Internet. Within a couple of clicks of the mouse and a credit card the product can be ordered and shipped without ever leaving the comfort of his or her home. In a brief discussion this paper will explain the evolution of e-business. E-Business Evolution As the Internet has evolved so has e-business over the last 15 years e-business has developed from ecommerce to e-business. With e-business companies or business are able to do business not only locally but also conduct business out of the state and the United States. In today’s business companies are looking for new ways to reach consumers, consumers that would otherwise not be able to go to the place of business to make his or her purchase. With the evolution of e-business companies like Wal-Mart, Sears, Target, and other companies that list their business and information on the Internet are striving to reach new customers and offer more services to the customers that choose to shop at the business website. The ability to reach new customers is not only for the business but also for the consumer. Now the consumer can shop on line to find the best deals for the product that he or she is looking for. Now Consumers can review websites and compare pricing for products before making a purchase. To be compare and contrast with the way shopping for the consumer was before e-business was to take time to go to the place of business and look at the product that the company was displaying on shelf’s and on hangers. Walking around the retail shops and waiting in long lines and dealing with traffic or other sources of public transportation. With the use of e-business the consumer no longer needs to go to the place of business and make the necessary purchase via the Internet. Supply Chain Management A business cannot operate if it does not have a product to sell to its customer that is in stock. It is the same for a store that the consumer walks into just as if he or she would be purchasing it from the Internet. Even though there are similarities between e-commerce and e-business taking purchase orders and having stock and even in some cases shipping the product. With e-commerce stoking its shelf’s are different from e-business. E-commerce use a manager or an employee to take inventory of the item that are in stock and orders the items that are running low on. This order is then submitted and now the retail store will have to wait till the items arrive before the store inventory is brought back to its par-levels. With e-business the company that is doing business through the use of the internet has a networking system that automatically sends the order being placed by the consumer to the distributor so it can be shipped right from the distributor to the consumer without ever coming in contact with the business that is doing the advertisement on the Internet. Even with the ability to sell products without even carrying the item in stock means that the information being shared through the inner networking system has to be as reliable in order for the suppliers to control their product inventory and for manufactures to adjust to the amount of material that will be needed for each participating business that sells the manufacturer’s product. If the information that is being shared is not accurate it causes either a product shortage or an overstock in the manufactures inventory. Conclusion Since the dawning of the Internet and the demand for faster customer service the way we use to consider shopping and even conducting business has been rapidly increased, having many different options on selling and buying products and material has made it easier for both sides. The consumer can make purchases from not only his or hers computer at their homes but also with the use of mobile devices and software applications make purchases while on the go. For business they will not need to build so many store locations which will reduce the company over head. References Papazoglou, M. P. , Ribbers, P. (2006). E-Business: Organizational and technical foundations. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. Some Limitations of E-Commerce. (2011). Rose India Technologies PVT, LTD. Retrieved on October 22, 2012, from http://www. roseindia. net/tutorial/ecommerce/limitations-of-Ecommerce. html Wagner. C. M, Sweeney. E. (2010). E-Business in Supply Chain Management, Dublin Institute of Technology Retrieved on October 22, 2012 from http://arrow. dit. ie/ How to cite E-Business Evolution, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Energy Consumption and Less Sustainability
Question: Discuss about the Energy Consumption and Less Sustainability. Answer: Introduction Tradition gyms were designed to be an indoor activity, with more energy consumption and less sustainability. However, the recent major focus has been on increase sustainability and at the same time reduce the energy consumption. That is, most of the gyms are being designed in such a way that they reduce water and electricity consumption which makes them more sustainable. However, these factors are not only the core which plays the part of sustainability. Thus, natural movement which is carried out as outdoor activities is one of the strategies that can help in building a more sustainable gym, more psychological and physical benefits. Thus, this research will seek to determine whether people accept the idea of strategizing the gym to have outdoor activities. Reviewing academic source Metzgar, (2012) urges that, in the attempt to increase sustainability, commercial gyms and fitness centers have been reconstructed to lower energy consumption as a strategy of increasing sustainability. Some of the adjustments that have been made include, making low-flow toilets, improved and more efficient lighting, and also increasing natural light Metzgar, (2012). However, this is one of many aspects of sustainability, where it should be noted that it encompasses environmental health, economic and human health. Therefore, to hit the nail on the head, these three aspects of sustainability should be applied when analyzing sustainability in gyms and other physical activity facilities. Needless to say, different physical activities impact the health and environment differently. World Health Organization (WHO) has consistently emphasized the need for physical activities at different ages to reduce health risks. On the other hand, WHO does not specify whether the activities should be indoors or outdoors. Both indoor and outdoor activities are affected by different factors such as; facilities accessibility, opportunity to participate, safety, aesthetic attributes and weather Metzgar, (2012). However, individual preference for participation in the outdoor or indoor activities depends on personal perceived benefits that one acquires on the two settings. In this way, Metzgar, (2012) investigates all the three aspects of sustainability which can be adjusted/changed to reduce energy consumption and increase the health benefits. First, this scholar discusses different aspects that necessitate the outdoor exercise. The natural movement activity is considered as the primary factor since it is within the human genome to exercise since they evolved from hunter-gatherers, which entailed different physical activities such as climbing, carrying heavy objects, running walking that was done on a daily basis. These physical activities have reduced since most of the people do not walk for long distances, run, and lifting of objects has been designated to the machines, such as cars, forklifts, cranes among others. Therefore, Metzgar, (2012) compared the tradition fitness center to an open area for natural movement (which was not sited specific but outdoor). Using these set-ups, the three aspects of sustainability were tested. The environmental health; energy consumption was evaluated where it was estimated that there would be a significant difference in energy consumption sine outdoor setup may only require lighting, mo wing and parking. However, it may not show a significant difference in the amount of energy in traveling to the site. Construction material was also considered, where it was estimated a typical gym might be more expensive, than constructing a natural movement area, and natural field or wilderness areas which cost nothing. Considering human health; cognitive benefits associated with outdoor exercise to indoors were highlighted. Outdoor exercise exhibit more dispositional status more effectively. This is due to the fact that people are more satisfied when they see natural landscape Metzgar, (2012). This also acts as a motivation for future participation in a walk or jogging. Also, other research points that unique benefits of outdoor manifests as early within five minutes spent exercising outdoor. A survey indicates that children suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) when they spent time in a green field the symptoms decreases. Exercise adherence is another factor that is given as a long-term benefit of outdoor activities. Foot Musculature and Vitamin D Levels and Sunlight Exposure are other benefits that people get from exercising outdoors. These are some of the human health benefits as a result of exercising outdoors. A Bivariate simple analysis of the customer survey data and Hypothesis test In this case, the study will determine whether those that do their regular exercise in the gym and those that do their exercise outside the gym have a significant different BMI. Exercising outside the gym is expected to have more effect and thus increasing the BMI ( 2017). Therefore, the study will assess, the difference between the two groups. The hypothesis is H0: there is no difference in BMI people that exercises outdoors and indoors. Versus H1: there is a difference in BMI people that exercises outdoors and indoors. A t-test was performed, and the results are as follows. The results suggest that the null hypothesis should not be rejected. This means that there is no difference in BMI people that exercises outdoors and indoors. This implies that both groups that exercised indoors and outdoors have on average equal BMI. Therefore, we are 95% confident that the BMI of those do their exercises outdoor and those that do theirs indoors is not significantly different. This is because the p-value .7486 is greater than the = .05. Section 4. Managerial Advice Despite the literature pointing that exercising outdoors has a significant effect on the health. This is not supported by the data in this study. Therefore, the manager should understand that exercising outdoors does is not significantly different effective than exercising indoors. When advertising, the manager cannot claim that the outdoor exercise is more effective in increasing the BMI. Nonetheless, the manager can outline other benefits associated with exercising outdoors, such as economic benefits, and environmental health. The research shows that the results do not support that exercising outdoor is more beneficial in gaining the BMI or those that do their exercises outdoor has a different BMI to those that exercise indoors. Despite this result, the researcher needs to assess iteration of other variables that might be associated with the exercising and BMI such as the number of times a person exercises in a week, and time spent exercising. This will give a clear picture of the nature of the association or the difference between the two groups. However, a new strategy should be adopted to enjoy other benefits of outdoor activities, which should be to create or set up gyms in an outdoor setup. Section 5. Analyze the survey data related to the proposed change in Section 4 A survey was conducted to determine whether people agree with the new strategy of adapting outdoor gym activities. The results show that 44 out of 100 samples used agreed to this strategy. Therefore, there was a need to determine whether this proportion of people are significantly different to 0.5. The results show that the proportion of those that agree with the new strategy is not statistically significantly different to 0.5. This means that there is no difference between those that agree and those that disagree with the implementation of the new strategy of an outdoor gym. Therefore, the manager should not consider implementing the new strategy since the proportion of those agree is equal to the proportion of those that do not agree. Conclusion The analysis shows that there is no adequate evidence that supports the claim that those that practice outdoor gym have a higher BMI. This means that there is no difference in BMI of people exercising indoors or outdoors. Therefore, there is no difference in the BMI of people that exercise on either site. Also, the test of the proportion of those that supports and those that do not support the new changes of exercising outdoors. This implies that although the decision to change from indoor to outdoor activities my increase sustainability, most of the people do not agree with the idea. Thus, it may not be advisable to implement this strategy since most people do not agree with this idea. The research points out that there might be other factors that may contribute to the BMI increase other than exercising. Therefore, given a chance in the future other iteration of different factors that might give a significant result. These factors include; the number of times person exercises, the number of hours spent exercising, among others. References (2017). How to Increase BMI. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jan. 2017]. Metzgar, M. 2012, "Sustainability of natural movement activity," Sustainability: Science, Practice, Policy, vol. 8, no. 2.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Behavioral Patterns, Trust and Loyalty
Findings The data collected using questionnaires stipulated a 99% confidence in the involvement of the participant on online purchasing of clothes and apparels in China. A remarkable outcome indicates that all the interviewees browsed these products online (n=200). In fact, it has been proven that such online browsing on apparels and clothes happen more often during the month.Advertising We will write a custom dissertation sample on Behavioral Patterns, Trust and Loyalty-Building In China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Responses indicated that more than 50% of the respondents had browsed the internet in search of clothes for at least two times. Only a percentage of lower than 30% had browsed one or less times. In addition, the research found that the frequency of browsing was associated to free-time. Eighty percent of the participant supported the attribute that browsing took place while relaxing at home. Although lower percenta ges were recorded when handling other activities such as taking meals and working, the most imperative and outstanding record was during relaxation. It was during such times as while sleeping and after meals which recorded the next count of above 25% each. The correlation between the browsing and purchasing of the Chinese clothes and apparels is somewhat independent. The purchase of clothes on monthly periods was analyzed as follows. Figure 1: Proportions of purchasing women’s apparels online in China The marketing and access of the clothes and apparel is affected by such sites as Weibo, which is a blogging service connecting to Facebook and Twitter. This micro-blogging is followed by companies and sites specializing in fashion delivery by Mogujie. These were the most prevalent sites handling the delivery and marketing of the subject items taking over 30% preference.Advertising Looking for dissertation on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The deviation of using apps from mobile devices was low. The respondent maintained mixed interests and equal preference for using computers of mobile apps. In this regard, the record shows that there was about 20% preference and application of mobile devices and their components in browsing or purchasing these products. Among the issues appearing to cause variations in the purchase of clothing and apparel by online platforms included the price, discount, sales volume, size, styles and designs, user recommendations, product authenticity, changes on the actual order on delivery, delivery tactics, and maintenance of reputation, customer services, policies and requirements of the online stores (Dye 2000). The respondents (n=200) show that the sales’ volumes are the most relevant aspects attracting attention from Chinese clients (À=10.17, ÃÆ'= 1.11). Mean Standard Deviation Price 6.53 1.23 Discount / Offer 7.73 1.33 Sales volu me 10.27 1.11 Size 8.37 1.40 Quality 6.05 2.00 Design/Style 4.47 1.14 User recommendation 5.74 1.77 Discrepancy between on line display and actual product 5.93 1.67 Authenticity of product 5.62 2.01 Returns and exchange policies 8.13 1.41 Ambiance of the online store 9.71 1.61 Reputation of the online store 8.72 1.23 Delivery 9.02 1.01 Customer service 8.72 1.21 Table 1: The mean and standard deviation on concerns of purchasing women’s clothing and apparels in China However, the data shows that there are sufficient grounds showing that all the other aspects affect the way customers make choices and preferences. For instance, it is significantly apparent that the ambiance of online store can raise as much concerns as the sales volume since the value upon deviations sums to 11.32 (À=9.71, ÃÆ'= 1.61). The significance of the remaining concerns can be argued or determined from the table above. The purchase of women’s clothing and apparels is t riggered by such factors as prices, conveniences of delivery and order, time management and freedom, personalized and accessible products, recommendations and fashion updates, direct purchase from abroad and impacts from advertisements (Indelicato 2013). The data collected from these fundamental motives assesses whether some factors are more reliable than others on facilitating online purchase of apparels and clothes. The predominant impact is attributes to recommendation from family, friends, and colleagues among others at a personal level. This impact was signified by a mean of 5.97 and a standard deviation of 1.33.Advertising We will write a custom dissertation sample on Behavioral Patterns, Trust and Loyalty-Building In China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Motives À ÃÆ' Lower price 4.54 0.97 Easily and conveniently order 3.80 1.56 Ignore opening hours 4.75 1.10 Greater selection 4.66 1.09 Merchandises are delivered to home 4.58 1.12 Recommended by family/friends/colleagues/others 5.97 1.33 Keep up with the newest fashion trend 5.10 1.22 Can order products directly from abroad 5.55 1.21 Attracted by the advertisements on the website 5.37 1.33 Table 2: The mean and standard deviation on motives of purchasing women’s clothing and apparels in China The core processes on value have been argued by researchers to include price, quality and timing. They are the most vital factors enhancing customer satisfaction. These attributes are accompanied by efficiency and effectiveness. The online purchase of women’s clothing and apparel realizes products of the highest possible quality at regulated prices and appropriate time in order to satisfy the customers. Similarly, the distribution and supply of these products need to be ensured in order to elevate customer value. The quality and cost of these products should be regulated to attain high profits due to huge sales. These changes can be implemented by increasing the quantity of apparel and clothing production and taking advantage of the economies of scale. Furthermore, some core ideologies and needs must be met to reach the main area of innovation lying within the designs of apparel and their quality. The online stores release new clothes with such advantages developed by innovation as flexibility and durability. They appear to be the fashion as online customers have accessible futures to customize their searches in accordance to the prevailing prices. The data shows coherence in the variation of motives directing purchases of women clothing and apparel. First, it is apparent that 33 respondents were not deviated by the cost of these products rating such motives as 1 in a scale of 9. However, the mixture of this decision has been opened more closely by the deviation of 0.97. The application online strategies during purchases depicted relevant results prior to the fashion credibility, direct accessibi lity and impacts from adverts. DeSemir (2010) postulated that the media accords varying attention and coverage to different products depending on their interests, financial benefits, specialization, and knowledge and skills of the marketer, publishers, or media houses. Kiraithe (2012) further established that since most marketers are owned by business entrepreneurs in different capacities such as companies, partnerships, sole proprietorships and only a small percentage as parastatal organizations, profits drives most of the operations and contents advertised (Lappe 2013).Advertising Looking for dissertation on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In order to test whether DeSemir (2010) and Kiraithe (2012) postulations were inherent in the context of China’s online platforms, a score rating ranging between 1 and10 was used on various items. In this regard, a mean score below 5.0 implied that respondents generally disagreed, a score of 5.0 respondents were ambivalent, and a mean score above 5.0 meant that respondents agreed to the proposed statements. In the table, the results obtained when the respondents were asked to rate extent that they agreed with the statements: when choosing which contents to air, they focused on those that are income generating, educative, and attract audience tastes and preferences. N Minimum Maximum Mean SD Delivery time scales and charges 200 1 10 4.18 3.091 Information on return and exchange policies 200 1 10 4.20 2.528 Multiple images of products 200 1 10 6.54 2.538 Table 3: Media coverage on product pages Based on the results outputs in the table above, it is clear that the m ean score of delivery time scales and charges is 4.18. The data of the return and exchange policies depicted a mean score of 4.20 that does not show any agreement or disagreement. Multiple images of products attracted a mean score of 6.54. Multiple images of products are the major consideration among different media houses in China when determining which content to post. If many audiences are not affective on space science and technology programs, then media sites will prefer different contents. Conversely, if media can promote information technology programs among different audiences and win their confidence, their tastes and preferences would shift in favor of site-related contents (Jonas 2010). Another consideration amounting to content-airing disparity among different advertisements in China is profits. Although businesses exist to make profit, online purchases should strike a balance and give back to the society by promoting education programs. Information À ÃÆ' Deliv ery time scales and charges 4.18 3.091 Information on return and exchange policies 4.20 2.528 Multiple images of products 6.54 2.528 Reviews from other shoppers 3.04 2.012 Detailed product information (e.g. material, color, place of origin washing instruction) 2.94 1.982 Product parameter (e.g. time to market, place of origin and brand) 3.57 1.897 Table 4: The mean and standard deviation on the information required on websites This research dictates that online transaction involving the women’s clothing and apparel is more direct to dresses and tops more than 50% of the participants subscribed to the purchase of these two products. The dresses and tops attained preferences for online purchases from 114 and 111 participants respectively. Type Coats Dresses Jackets Jeans Jumpsuits Knitwear Pants Shorts Tops Lingerie Activewear Beachwear Sleepwear Other, specify n/200 70 114 22 38 24 39 49 41 111 29 32 24 47 4 Table 5: Frequencies on the types of clothes and apparels required Furthermore, the purchase of these women’s clothing and apparels is associated to the fashion and its originality. Out of 200 respondents, 119 informed that fashion brand was their core need while making online purchases in China. However, other factors such as domestic famous, international famous, and luxury brands among others took a descending significance in this order. Brands Domestic famous brands International famous brands Original fashionable brands Luxury brands Other, specify n/200 81 71 119 22 17 Table 6: The frequencies on brands of clothing and apparels purchased online In fact, such brands are bought depending on how they have been simplistic to the purchasers. Data indicates that a tally of 132 respondents bid to the idea of purchasing simple clothing and apparels. The highest population of preferences lays on the simple and casual styles of clothing and apparel. In perspective, a half or even more respondents chose to purchase thes e products over the internet than others like girly, sexy, elegant, and sweet among other styles. The margin between the two primary styles dominating online purchases and preferences is big while compared to other aspects. As presented in the literature, trust and loyalty-building over virtual platforms is a technical factor in today’s market. In this regard, clients tend to purchase clothes and apparels from websites that have renowned credibility and reputation. This aspect explains why such websites endorsed and registered by the international trades’ affairs like Taobao rises to be the ultimate preference eventually. In fact, the data dictates this point without further analysis. The respondent who use Taobao website to purchase women’s clothing and apparel were 136. The other website approaching Taobao was Tmall with 38 preferences out of the same population size of 200. Trust is a fundamental and exceptional attribute when disposing electronic money to so urces you may find hard to follow (Earley Mosakowski 2004). Website Taobao Paipai EachNet Tmall Yhd Jingdong Amazon Other, please specify Tally 136 1 2 38 0 10 1 6 6 Table 7: The frequency of customer purchases by various websites In essence, the question number 15 on the questionnaires proves that credibility is an unexceptional and prudent choice when selecting websites. When websites’ credibility was mixed with such other aspects as promotions, quality of products, diversity and prices among others, it attained a mean of 4.19. However, promotions also ruled the choices taken by the clients where such programs of issuing gift cards, coupons and discount attained an overall mean of 5.96 at a standard deviation of 1.45. Trust can be affected by variations of privacy management, client taste, and reputation, economies of scale, quality of products, ease of website control, customer satisfaction and reliable third party certification. The respondents indicated that website control and navigation was the exceptional factor dominating customer trust in online purchase of women’s clothing and apparels. In this regard, the analysis showed that a mean of 7.023 was reached. In a scale of 5, the research found convincing reasons to support the idea that personal touch between sellers and clients was an imperative attribute when purchasing these products in China. On this factor, the lowest mean was noted to be 3.15 while the highest was 4.35 at a standard deviation of 1.11 and 0.32 respectively. Finally, the demographics show that that the research was centered on young people female between the age of 19 and 39. About 88% of the participants were females whereas approximately 12% were male. From this sample population, 79.41% were between the age of 19 and 29 while 14.22% were at the age of 30 to 39. In regard to this age, most participants were pursuing courses at different institutions of higher learning like colleges and universiti es. The finding indicates that 90% of the respondents possessed or were pursuing such courses as diplomas, and bachelor and masters degrees. Furthermore, the largest populations of respondents at 43.14% were students whereas 26.96% were company or enterprise employees. The sample population composed of the Chinese citizens with relatively comparative monthly income. About 36% of the respondents had a monthly income of lower than RMB 2000 with a mean of RMB 700 and a standard deviation of RMB 200. Discussion Economic Fluctuations and Business Development The determination of customer behaviors was conducted by assessing their responses in regard to purchasing women’s clothing and apparel online in China. The survey has led to various fundamental arguments in this research. First, the purchase of women’s clothing and apparels is dependent on various economic factors entailing development of education, internet penetration and income attainment from the people. In China, some of the variables found to cause significant impact at the market-product level in making decision include inflation, interest rates, unemployment, consumer confidence, gross domestic product, discretionary income, and rate of currency exchange. Interest rates have a particular importance to companies pursuing growth opportunities since the expense of direct money borrowing affects a company’s ability to expand. Other economic factors associated to technological development affect the ability of a consumer to afford clothing and apparel sold via internet, which make economic stability a major determinant of the industrial growth. This factor is supported by such attributes as lack of sufficient competition in the online markets. For instance, it is evident that Taobao has been dominating the online sales of clothes and apparels in China. This factor may allow a business to attain the power of determining the market prices by exploiting various opportunities in the country . Online Social Influence Social factors classify customer’s features into two essential classes namely culture and demographics, which present a major concern (Finch 2012). Culture contains the societal beliefs, attitude, and values whereas the study of population (demographics) gives a statistical description of the community’s characteristics expressed by location, age and employment. The interaction between marketing and culture is reciprocal. Therefore, the marketing communications utilize cultural meanings by transferring them to their products in order to attract customers who hold these values (Ebrahim, Ahmed Taha 2009). This aspect explains why the purchase of clothes and apparels is centered in design, style and fashion. It elaborates about such set of apparels and clothes as dresses that Chinese purchase. Probably, other areas or countries with distinct designs set to obey some rules, norms, or practices may prefer different styles. It proves that the cultu re and behaviors of the Chinese allow simple and casual styles of the original brands as dictated by 66% and 54% of the respondents respectively. This evaluation shows that marketers may take the opportunity to market their products during cultural holidays depending on the actual income. Demographics Demographic characteristics of the market allow sellers to understand how the different segments of the community respond to product marketing as a result of such personal characteristics as age, sex and income. In China, the assessment of consumer’s attitude enables a person to distinguish how the different demographic segments perceive certain varieties in regard to online sales of the women’s clothing and apparels. It is a guideline showing the products to design for specific groups based on their preference, which can lead to acceleration of the company’s growth within five years. In this case, the major target market would be women who can assess the internet and purchase online items. This investigation shows that the young and educated population can accept the idea of purchasing these products online. All marketing managers must be conscious of the trends since technological factors affect market processes by creating innovative systems. These systems enable interactions with customers, processing of orders, and distribution of products. Market Liberalization It may be vital to liberalize online markets in order to allow competition. These are market-related and occur as an effect of liberalization which has globalized national markets increasing the threat of new entrants or competition in traditional. Furthermore, the increase in the behavior patterns of the consumer demands single products which may not be rewarding. Low exposure may signify poor marketing strategies, which can derail the growth of a company especially within the initial five years. In a bid to straighten these behaviors, the sellers can maintain their stability an d predictability if they are known to produce quality and fashionable apparels that enhance brand recognition and promote consumer loyalty. Establishing a global presence will greatly increase the company’s chances of success as well as ensure the growth of sales within five years due to the establishment of a wide market in the different countries (Gibson Cohen 2003). Some opportunities can be capitalized to enhance a company’s growth by creating a history of apparel’s innovation and ensuring that the trend proceeds. With the invention of new clothes and apparel, it can be designed to meet the various tastes and cultures of people across the globe. Influences of Culture It is essential to inform people about the development of such fundamental internet-based programs that consolidated and network people with diverse knowledge, skills, experiences and cultures. In this manner, the research shows that knowledge is being shared among people with distinct and dive rse culture throughout the globe. However, even though information about the functionality of the virtual sales has been developed by websites and other research works, the current study discussed the particulate strategies of their development and management in China. It lays down the skills and processes encountered to enlighten the readers on how these sales can be formed and made to work. In this light, the article research findings inform the reader and occupy the existing gap in knowledge by creating published and reliable information. Furthermore, the benefits that these sales bring to international organizations have been presented to assist the reader (Gorog 2011). There is an existing gap in knowledge on the development and management of virtual sales in China. This aspect implies that the information can be developed and presented to the people. In this light, this research evaluates various factors encountered while developing and managing virtual sales of women’s clothes and apparels in China. It will outline the problems, reason, benefits, and achievements among other factors involved in developing and managing the online sales of the women’s clothing and apparels in China. Online Sales The management of virtual sales may depict various fundamental challenges. The researchers depict the need and effectiveness of virtual sales of women’s clothing and apparels in China. They are identified as prevailing businesses effective in reaching the final outcomes of the researchers. In China, the developments of the virtual sales are improving continuously as the information technology proceeds to attain integration as presented by the data showing active participation from the respondent from all over the country. The use of internet in reaching the target clients depict the impending quorum required. Presently, the sales have managed to penetrate and unite many people. The virtual sales of women’s clothing and apparels have all owed globalization to take place easily. In fact, such social companies do not only make huge profits due to the prevalence of members and common interests, but also creates global civilization and understanding of cultural differences. Such interactions are similar to the application of virtual sales in handling issues throughout China. They bring the human resources at one point where they may be accessed and exploited by firms or business easily. Since the virtual sales are significantly reliant on the prevailing fast communication tactics, it implies that the future of virtual sales works under the assumption that the revolution of IT does not change drastically. Furthermore, there many literals works developed to evaluate the management and development of the virtual sales. The lack of information on the management and development of the virtual sales have been complemented by the assessment of literature associated to the problems, reasons, benefits, and achievements of the virtual sales across the globe (Jung 2013). The relationship between these assumptions and the problem statements is that the sampled resources display the overall argument of other researchers and therefore informs the people interested in a similar way. The reviews have revealed fundamental and helpful information that can fill the gap in knowledge. They identify that the need for appropriate and strategic management to implement virtual sales of women’s clothing and apparels in China (Slack et al. 2012). They show that the reviews can offer reliable solutions to the problem if many research works from reliable sources are used. In this light, future research may undertake similar assessment of literature in order to inform people about such issues of the virtual sales. The information can allow the sales to expand depending on their demand and popularity. The threat that managers instill on other members and the networks that they purports is an indication of their influential role in the sale. The conflict impacts various processes in the organization of events. The sales will devolve such tactical approaches as cultural intelligence, which is the capability to associate and work efficiently when dealing with different cultures (Earley Mosakowski 2004). On the other hand, there will be the improvement of the individual’s ability to interact with others. These two concepts present an essential tool of relating with the target customers and presenting the specialty of the subject products. Advertisements may not suit all people across different cultural and ethnic backgrounds (Vinaja 2010). In this respect, even the largest companies may present advertisements that do not align with some people. These blunders may cause customer dissatisfaction, loss of loyalty, and losses from complaints and court cases. In this light, the performance of the S-curve is affected depending on the strength of blunder, which discourages the customers from purchasing the products. It is essential to know the culture of the people where the target market is located in order to prevent cultural blunders. In this way, adverts can be related to such cultural norms where all cultural considerations are accounted. The components making the sales should be selected depending on their reliability and trust bestowed on them by the customer. It implies that the members are vital ‘ingredients’ trusted by the client, which means that the final product is high quality. It is important because it assists customers in boosting their trust on new services. They add value to the subject sale satisfying the clients’ conscience and motivating them into buying the subject product. My concept offers the use of accessories from reputable firms in order to attract the customers who trust these firms. In another point, Customer Life Time Value (CLTV) is a concept applied by businesses to determine profitable outcomes of the relationshi p with a customer over a period of time to the future. The CLTV takes a specified amount of time and do not consider the life time of a client. Furthermore, it is a probabilistic concept based on the intentions of the customer which may change depending on personal variations. This concept is vital since it allows a business create valid proceedings in respect to profit making. In fact, it allows businesses to determine the most appropriate cost to be set aside for marketing. Essentially, the effects of such aspects as marketing may follow an unprecedented trend (Skyrik 2010). However, it is argued that CLTV follows the S-curve where there is a gradual increment in the profits which increase dramatically and stabilizes. Finally, a business must lay down all the possible outcomes to provide conviction on the process. It must be convinced that there is a very high probability of succeeding. Delivery Services and Their Influences The demand for delivery services and product sales h as been influenced significantly by the rising competition and new strategies for reaching people throughout China. In this regard, information technology has modified the ways of reaching people by social sites and other internet advertisement techniques. For instance, such strategies may lead to high demand for clothes as compared to the target trends. If one apparel type has preceded other brands on the market from different companies, its sales are expected to increase together with the subsequent wholesale purchase from the manufacturers. The approach dictates that deliveries of the apparel are higher than the competing brand. In this light, the apparel has been modified to fit the needs of customers and develop the chances of preference basing on its fashion and quality level. Furthermore, the prices of the women’s clothing or apparel are considered significantly to align with the current competition. In some instances, the business avails apparels in accordance with th e clients’ specifications making it a rare company due to the flexibility. In a bid to accommodate these changes, a company can introduce various strategies which include reducing the prices of the clothes and apparels. It is making varieties of clothes and apparels with distinct specifications in order to segment the market. In addition, it can establish a new marketing strategy through the introduction of websites and the use of social media to advertize the new fashions. For instance, a website can be formed to advertise the apparels in China further and ensure that there are billboards in populated areas. Companies promote their sales by publishing awards and discounts to its customers. This aspect allows a company to be competitive against the other competing ones in the market by meeting the demands and expectations of their clients. However, a full exploitation of the marketing strategies can also incorporate networking as a way of advertising. Moreover, they can promo te the sales of the brands by adding other artifacts as discount to the customer. This research demonstrates that the approach of applying the delivery methods to compete with other companies across the globe has significant effects. The data shows that there were high means on preferences regarding the delivery of women’s clothing and apparels. The questions 10 and 15 approve this postulation by showing that delivery had the second highest means of 4.18 and 4.82 with a standard deviation of 0.96 and 1.07 respectively. Delivery affects the clients and consumers through advertisements, availability of information and ease of product/services’ accessibility. In this regard, it is apparent that the sales made and delivered through reputable firms have profound competitiveness than the other relying on less reliable companies for delivery. The research shows that, even though, the products may have qualified, their sales can subsidize since the customers are not willing to receive shipping or delivery from the company the business suggests. The sale of products from is based on reputation, delivery methods available and quality. Primarily, a customer is served by an employee or website who/which provides the menu and enquires when he or she needs a service or product. This inquiry is done ardently and immediately after a customer has shown interest. The employee should receive training in order to manage the deliveries appropriately. The training of the employees involves instilling skills on approaching, serving, and talking to the customers or clients during the sale. These skills enlighten the employees about handling the customers when using the internet as well as during the delivery of their products. In this manner, they can retain professionalism and adhere to the social boundaries present (Levin 2013). A company can implement a formal or informal training program depending of the complexity of skills required. The informal training program m ay occur without teaching intentions since there are no learning objectives. The formal training of employees has standard goal and objectives to direct the intended learning of trainees and assess the resultant outputs of the teaching sessions. Realistically, the literature review demonstrates that training through the formal standards is more efficient than the informal way of delivering information to the students. Limitations This research study has several fundamental complications that limit its generalization. First, the finding can only be centralized in China since every region may have distinct behaviors. Secondly, the questions used in the questionnaires cannot provide scale data to quantify the usage of internet to purchase the products. It is also apparent that data regarding how often the people of China purchase clothing and apparels online was limited to the options provided. However, other research studies can be conducted to supplement this investigation. Conclusio n The analysis of the research data paved way for making critical conclusions on the delivering strategy adopted for the women’s clothing and apparels in China. In this quest, the research involved in making the necessary amendments to the current version of production, distribution, timing, marketing and pricing of the product (Mir 2014) . In addition, the information was helpful in the procurement departments, human resource, production inventory control and other departments actively involved in the production and distribution. Planning of the specific strategies and procedures to follow is critical in organizing the flow of activities from production until the clothes and apparels reach the customers (Nzuve Rebecca 2014). One of the most important advantages of purchasing women’s apparels and clothing online in China was the provision of an opportunity to book products electronically. In essence, the online purchases are very crucial in the client service systems. They are meant to offer an opportunity and platform to inquire and consult about faults, complications and make follow-ups. This implies that they should be set in manner that the clients can access the client service services more efficiently and fast. In that regard, other purchases demanded the clients to avail themselves physically to the sellers in order to secure a product. However, this system of physical purchase makes it difficult and slows for the clients to access the products. At times, it is very involving and tedious because the clients are required to visit the premises for a number of times before they see the right apparel or cloth. In a deeper perspective, visiting sale’s premises is even unnecessary considering that the client is just seeking the delivery of the right product. Indeed, the online purchase does not incorporate the actual rectification process. As such, it is out of order for the client to waste the cost and time for transportation. With the introduction of the Chinese online market, the client service system introduced a provision where the clients can secure products by online communication (Mantas Hasman 2013). This factor simplified the engagement and involvement of the clients in the process of purchase. It also eliminates unnecessary congestion in the client service space bearing in mind that the number of people is reduced. As such, this is an important deliverable provided by the online platforms in China. In the client service system, the management of data is one of the most crucial undertakings. In this regard, professionals are required to collect, record, and store information with dignity, credibility and reliability (Hewitt 2012). As mentioned before, a slight error in the records of a client can lead to a devastating eventuality. In that regard, there is no room for errors because they may lead to a mistake with irreversible effects in the short term and long-run. It is, therefore, important to ensur e that the clients’ data is well-managed to prevent unfavourable events such as loss or manipulation. Indeed, manipulation of data is an integrity issue that might equally complicate the welfare of a client. As such, the credibility of online sellers was conjured with the idea of maintaining the standards of data management in mind. It was made to ensure that the records are straight, accurate, and reliable in the process handling the clients (Kishor 2010). In essence, prescription is at the heart of the client service system since it is a critical undertaking where the clients are directed on handling issues. In that regard, it becomes a sensitive venture since it is the end point of an entire diagnosis bearing in mind that the rest of the assessments are done to determine the type of resolutions given to the client and instructions provided. In the 21st century, it was very important to change the orientation of the online service and other sectors of marketing towards the use of technology. As such, the client service system viewed as the foundation and the basis of using technology in the system. In this regard, online marketing and selling of women’s clothing and apparel in China has been a crucial platform and starting point of anchoring the entire IT integration. As such, a basis of developing the technological use in the client service system was an important deliverable because that it was used as an evaluation aspect. Fundamentally, it is obvious that the most critical test of online businesses is to pull in clients who have been appended to other greater organizations. References DeSemir, V 2010, Scientific journalism: Problems and perspectives, International Microbiology, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 125-128. Dye, R 2000, The Buzz on Buzz, Harvard Business Review, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 139-46. Earley, P Mosakowski, E 2004, Cultural Intelligence, Harvard Business Review, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 139-46. 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Monday, November 25, 2019
Asia Essays (305 words) - Member States Of The United Nations
Asia Essays (305 words) - Member States Of The United Nations Asia Asia Asia is the largest of all the continents and includes within its limits an area of 17,159,995 sq mi, or about 33% of the world's total land surface and the greater part of the Eurasian land mass. The border between Europe is traditionally drawn as an imaginary zigzag line passing down the spine of the Ural Mountains and through the Caspian Sea, Caucasus Mountains, and Black Sea. The boundary dividing Asia and Africa is generally placed along the Suez Canal, and the boundary between Asia and Australasia is usually placed between the island of New Guinea and Australia. Asia is by far the most populous of all the continents, with an estimated population in 1992 of 3,275,200,000, or more than 60% of the world's total population. The population is, however, diverse and divided by language, race, religion, politics, economics, and cultural origins into a complex cultural mosaic. The nations of Asia are usually grouped into five main geographical and political-cultural subdivisions: 1. Southwest Asia, which includes Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen, plus Asian Turkey and Egypt east of the Suez Canal (Sinai Peninsula). 2. South Asia, which includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon). 3. East Asia, which includes most of the People's Republic of China, Japan, North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea), South Korea (Republic of Korea), and Taiwan (Republic of China). 4. Southeast Asia, which includes Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Indonesia, Kampuchea (Cambodia), Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. 5. Central and North Asia, which includes Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, plus Asian Russia (Siberia) and three of the five autonomous regions of China (Inner Mongolia, Sinkiang-Uighur, Tibet) LAND AND
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Market Security Valuation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Market Security Valuation - Essay Example Headlines of Market Development in the Past Week Survey on ISM manufacturing registered a growth of 1.0. The growth increased moved from 53.4 to 54.4 suggesting that manufacturing sector has a steady growth (Payden & Rygel). FOMC Minutes posted a negative growth in the market with regard to previous trends. The market concern has focused on possibility of FOMC Minute falling off in second quarter in 2012. ISM Non-Manufacturing survey registered a slow growth in the last month. The survey showed the trends at 56.0 up from 57.0 and further 1.3, a fall from February trends, which stood at 57.3. However, the trend does not create any course of alarm. Initial Jobless Claims has posted a strong grip from the previous trend with 357,000 claims last week (Payden & Rygel). The observation suggests a continued downward trend. The financial market report suggests that the market is progressing well because an increase in number of jobless entering into the payroll suggests a growth in the money market. The trend suggests that a further drop in jobless claim would occur when the market remains stable. The job data suggests an improvement in US economic fundamentals. In most cases, increase in jobless claims is an indication of debilitating market. Major Global Releases and their Impacts Europe stock went down by -2.47%. Eastern Europe markets registered varied outcomes in the market. A survey on the Manufacturing Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) indicated an improvement in first quarter of 2012. A survey in Hungary’s PMI indicated an upward trend from 51.2 to 56.8 (Payden & Rygel). Analysts believe the trend observed was because of increase in demand from external players in the month of March. Czech Republic registered a growth in PMI from 50.5 to 52.1because of new orders and higher readings. Poland posted a stagnated result as observed 50.0 to 50.1. The probable reason for the above result is the consumption behavior in the domestic market and earlier weak nesses observed in the Euro area (Baker& Nofsinger 554). The average trend for the PMI was above fifty, which a positive mark is considering the trends in the last quarter of 2011. Global Currencies and Bonds Global bonds did not post an active result during the week. Many investors are speculating to see the trends in the next week. German Bund and Short dated UK Gilt did not register any change of marketing trends in Bank of England and ECB (Payden & Rygel). Spanish market indicated an increased borrowing because of auctioning of Spanish Government debts. The observation tends to suggest that Spanish is unable to solve its fiscal problems without seeking monetary assistance from IMF or EU. Further, observation indicates that tensions created in the Spanish market influenced Portuguese and Italian debt markets. Conversely, sovereign yields were strong over Bund in this week’s market. US currency gained in the currency market versus major currencies in the US reserve. Analyst s suggest that March FOMC US Federal Reverse’s meeting had a stake in the quantitative easing. The Draghi’s comment had an influence on weakening of EUR. Australian dollar registered a continuous weakening of greenback. The trend has influenced Reserve Bank of Australia to create constant rates speculating of the changes that are likely to occur in the coming months. Emerging Market Bonds The trends observed in the market indicated that tight gains for emerging dollar pay debts. Standard and Poor included Uruguay in the Investment grade which restored
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
NGOs and Corporations Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
NGOs and Corporations - Literature review Example He negotiated a partnership between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – one of the world’s largest and most influential NGOs, and the IMD, but he is also heavily involved in the corporation side of his research interests. He acts as a consultant for several Fortune 100 companies, including Microsoft and Shell, and has spoken at various think-tanks. Yaziji and Doh adopt a sensible division of their work into four clear sections: understanding NGOs, NGO advocacy campaigns, corporate-NGO engagements, and the future of the latter. This division offers a logical structure for the book’s chapters, and a straightforward framework for analysis. The authors begin by asserting the importance of NGOs in the contemporary world, and on this issue, their arguments can scarcely be contested. By naming just a few of the more prominent organisations, including Amnesty International and Greenpeace – the nature of NGOs as major actors in politics, economics and society is clear. Yaziji and Doh (2009, p.xiii) also provide some staggering statistics for the growth of NGOs in recent years, suggesting a 400% increase in the number of international NGOs. No reader can seriously doubt whether a comprehensive work on this subject was necessary. I would credit the authors’ statement that ‘A fuller understanding of the role of business in society requires a comprehensive understanding of these engagements’ (2009, p.xv). oweHowe And Doh and Yaziji certainly provide a comprehensive account. They apply a logical division of material, and create a work which is easy for any reader to negotiate. However, having set themselves the important task of filling the current gap in the literature, something more than a survey of the field would have been appropriate. In theoretical terms, they have moved on the debate, but to a great extent the book feels like a synthesis rather than a useful new analytical framework. The introductory chapter provides a valu able overview of the current status of NGOs and their influence in society, and sets out a valid framework for the analysis that will be pursued throughout the text. However, beyond the introductory chapter and the logical headings used to divide the work into four main areas, there are some crucial structural weaknesses. In the introductory chapter, the authors describe the ‘hazard-strewn’ nature of relationships between NGOs and corporations, nicely summarise some of the key factors that make them so (2009, p.xxiv). For example, NGOs might recoil from the data discovered on being given access to a corporation’s internal audit, while the media coverage generated by such a collaboration has the potential to harm the legitimacy and reputation of an NGO, sometimes damaging it irreparably. Perhaps most fundamentally, there is a basic value difference between most corporations, and most NGOs. The former are working with markets and their values; the latter with socia l and ethical values. There can be some overlap in their operations, but this fundamental conflict compromises all collaborations. Perhaps this theme could have been developed further, given that it crops up throughout
Monday, November 18, 2019
Fighting Fire with Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fighting Fire with Psychology - Essay Example They usually rush out and leave the area in no time. They find the nearest exit from where they could flee and reach to a point of safety. This also depends a great deal on the message that has been transmitted to them telling about the spread of a fire in the first place. The intensity of this fire plays a huge role in their leaving off the area. Majority of the people spend a huge amount of time finding information related with fire and its causes. They seem to go deep inside the very basis of a fire and its spread. These types of findings usually play a very significant role in the works of architects, engineers as well as the emergency planners since a real case of fire provides as much learning experience and exposure for these people as they could possibly think of. Thus they document every minor detail that they can get their hands on and try to understand the rational behind the very same. After 9/11 the research has become even more significant since the people seem to have an alarming anxiety within them intensely as compared to what used to be the case pre-9/11 era. It could be due to the falling of the two World Trade Center towers. They just do not want themselves to be caught up in such a situation all said and done. The article sums up the research findings by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which have played a tremendous role at the learning regimes of the human behaviors which are exhibited in fire-related scenarios and instances. With that, the researchers are also trying their best to examine what actually must have happened at the time of 9/11 in the twin towers. What this will ultimately do is to provide a basis for future preparations in cases of attacks, fires and blasts within buildings, complexes and high rises. This article has discussed the research that has been done post-9/11 era since the effect of 9/11 was indeed very
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Functions of Oral Communication
Functions of Oral Communication Communication is an important part of our daily lives. It mainly focusing on interact with any living organisms. We communicate with our self at different ages different time ways. Including with our family, friends, socially and professionally . Oral communication benefits business by providing them an outlet through which to explain to and instruct employees. It can be also used to provide clear direction. affirmation and the ability for leadership to upload company policy and mission. For example as what Carl Rogers (1952) one of the eminent psychologists of all time says. a real communication occurs when we listen with understanding to see the expressed idea and attitude from the other persons point of view, to sense how it feels to him, to achieve his frame of reference in regard to the things he is talking about. Elizabeth Tierney (1998) says, communication as a process which begin when you have a message that you want to deliver to an audience. Your audience receive the message, reacts to it and then responds to your message. That respond may lead you to react and give another message. This process may continue. The message can be an idea, a thought or feeling which we wish to share with others. It also can be shorter or lengthier with a important rules where there is a sender and a receiver. Julia T. Wood (2009) says, communication as a systemic process in which people interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings. The important terms are process which is ongoing, continuous and always changing; systemic which happen within a system of interconnected parts that affect each other; symbols which represent things and meanings where any act of communication involves two essential aspects. Joseph Devito (2009) says, that communication take place when one person or more sends and receives message that are distorted by noise, occur within a context, have some effect, and provide some opportunity for feedback with some basic elements. These are context, source-receiver, messages, channels, noise and effects. Communication will successfully if the receiver received the message clearly in any form. See 3.0 1.1 Form, Function and Strategies in Oral Communication In this assignment I will be focusing on the discussion about how form, function and strategies are use in oral communication in the Malaysian context. 1.1.1 Form Form are important in oral communication on how to deliver a message. There proven to be 7 forms . Intrapersonal communication Interpersonal communication Small group communication Public communication Mass communication Corporate communication Intercultural communication 1.1.2 Function We can define function as a function or action or evaluating self act in a conversation. arguments or even self talk. Example : A : do you want to eat roti chanai ? B: i ate nasi lemak The function over here is B is rejecting . 1.1.3 Strategies Specifically focus on oral interaction and interlocutors negotiation behavior for coping with communication breakdowns. Strategies used for the purpose of the communication on how this use represented the extent of discourse in the oral proficiency tests. According to previous research dealing with transcription data analysis, strategies for communication have been listed as achievement and reduction strategies . When the speakers had difficulties expressing an thought or idea, they used strategies to give themselves a time frame to figure out . Example Strategy questionnaire as below : When I need to think of what to sayI use filler such as um.urh, welletc to gain time . When I have difficulty thinking of the right words, I let other say something first so that I use similar words to express my self. When I dont understand othersI request them to repeat those words to make sure my self I understand. 2.0 ORAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS 2.1 In oral communication, information, thoughts and ideas are conveyed via a spoken language in the following ways:- Face-to-face conversations; Meeting; Voice mail messages Teleconferencing; Oral presentations; and Public speaking. 2.2 We have 3 models of communication process where the sender and receiver communication take place . 2.2.1 Linear Model Its invole two people. Its a one-way communication process which require one person to acts on another person. its a straigh forward message transmit from a speaker to a listener . Shannon and Weavers model Laswells (1948) describe how communication works in five question Who said? What? In what channel? To whom? With what effect? 2.2.2 Interactive Model To be very shortFacebook and MSN are the examples of interactive model. This model can be focus as a succesesr for liner model which has greather chances of succesfull communication . 2.2.3 Transactional Model This is a excellant model for face to face communication which takes the effects of noisetimeand systems into consideration. Transactional Model can be define as ongoing and continously changing proess communication. In any form or forms of oral communication ( refer 3.0 )the 3 models and 6 elements are present directly and indirectly. 3.0 Form of oral communication Intrapersonal communication It is communicating your self .A internel dialoge for your self.A self talk most people say. Most of them bypass this process much of their stress in life is from a feeling of not having any control in their lives. Meditation prayer are part of this intrapersonal also. Interpersonal communication A simply any verbal or non verbal message transferred between people. Small group communication Its define as interpersonal communication within 3 or more persons. Communication is an important part of our daily lives. It mainly focusing on interact with any living organisms. We communicate with our self, at different age, different time ways. Including with our though, family, friends, socially and professionally . Oral communication benefits business by providing them an outlet through which to explain to and instruct employees. It can be also used to provide clear direction, affirmation and the ability for leadership to upload company policy and mission. For example as what Carl Rogers (1952) one of the eminent psychologists of all time says, a real communication occurs when we listen with understanding to see the expressed idea and attitude from the other persons point of view, to sense how it feels to him, to achieve his frame of reference in regard to the things he is talking about. Elizabeth Tierney (1998) says, communication as a process which begin when you have a message that you want to deliver to an audience. Your audience receive the message, reacts to it and then responds to your message. That respond may lead you to react and give another message. This process may continue. The message can be an idea, a thought or feeling which we wish to share with others. It also can be shorter or lengthier with a important rules where there is a sender and a receiver. Julia T. Wood (2009) says, communication as a systemic process in which people interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings. The important terms are process which is ongoing, continuous and always changing; systemic which happen within a system of interconnected parts that affect each other; symbols which represent things and meanings where any act of communication involves two essential aspects. Joseph Devito (2009) says, that communication take place when one person or more sends and receives message that are distorted by noise, occur within a context, have some effect, and provide some opportunity for feedback with some basic elements. These are context, source-receiver, messages, channels, noise and effects. Communication will successfully if the receiver received the message clearly in any form. See 3.0 1.1 Form, Function and Strategies in Oral Communication In this assignment I will be focusing on the discussion about how form, function and strategies are use in oral communication in the Malaysian context. 1.1.1 Form Form are important in oral communication on how to deliver a message. There proven to be 7 forms . Intrapersonal communication Interpersonal communication Small group communication Public communication Mass communication Corporate communication Intercultural communication 1.1.2 Function We can define function as a function or action or evaluating self act in a conversation, arguments or even self talk. Example : A : do you want to eat roti chanai ? B: i ate nasi lemak The function over here is B is rejecting . 1.1.3 Strategies Specifically focus on oral interaction and interlocutors negotiation behavior for coping with communication breakdowns. Strategies used for the purpose of the communication on how this use represented the extent of discourse in the oral proficiency tests. According to previous research dealing with transcription data analysis, strategies for communication have been listed as achievement and reduction strategies . When the speakers had difficulties expressing an thought or idea, they used strategies to give themselves a time frame to figure out . Example Strategy questionnaire as below : When I need to think of what to say, I use filler such as um.urh, well, etc to gain time . When I have difficulty thinking of the right words, I let other say something first so that I use similar words to express my self. When I dont understand others, I request them to repeat those words to make sure my self I understand. 2.0 ORAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS 2.1 In oral communication, information, thoughts and ideas are conveyed via a spoken language in the following ways:- Face-to-face conversations; Meeting; Voice mail messages Teleconferencing; Oral presentations; and Public speaking. 2.2 We have 3 models of communication process where the sender and receiver communication take place . 2.2.1 Linear Model Its invole two people. Its a one-way communication process which require one person to acts on another person. its a straigh forward message transmit from a speaker to a listener . Shannon and Weavers model Laswells (1948) describe how communication works in five question Who said? What? In what channel? To whom? With what effect? 2.2.2 Interactive Model To be very short, Facebook and MSN are the examples of interactive model. This model can be focus as a succesesr for liner model which has greather chances of succesfull communication . 2.2.3 Transactional Model This is a excellant model for face to face communication which takes the effects of noise, time, and systems into consideration. Transactional Model can be define as ongoing and continously changing proess communication. In any form or forms of oral communication ( refer 3.0 ), the 3 models and 6 elements are present directly and indirectly. 3.0 Form of oral communication Intrapersonal communication It is communicating your self .A internel dialoge for your self.A self talk most people say. Most of them bypass this process much of their stress in life is from a feeling of not having any control in their lives. Meditation prayer are part of this intrapersonal also. Interpersonal communication A simply any verbal or non verbal message transferred between people. Small group communication Its define as interpersonal communication within 3 or more persons. Public communication According to Wikipedia, Public Communication is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence or entertain the listeners . Mass communication A communication thru radio, broadcast news paper to reach the wide population. Corporate communication; Communication that takes place among members of an organization, within that building or organization. Intercultural communication. Communication between people of diverse cultures and ethnicity. A process of exchanging meaningful and unambiguous information across cultural boundaries. I will mainly will be elaborating about Interpersonal communication, Small group communication Public Communication. See below 3.1 Interpersonal communication What is the ONE skill required of almost every job at online career? Basic interpersonal communication such as a good intrapersonal communication, listening, language, emotions, non-verbal communication, communication climate, and others which this skills will make you excellent at being as a good friend, good spouse, good employee and boss. By learning all them and putting them into practice as often as possible to become excellent at interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication involves a close group of participants such as the everyday conversations you carry on. Interpersonal communication involves face to face encounters which you get the immediate communication. It also includes speeches, general friendly exchanges, arguments and basically anytime you speak to someone. Many variations make interpersonal communication flexibility important for difference circumstances. We use interpersonal communication to learn new information such as when asking questions. Plus, we use it to share information such as when telling a story. Even to define yourself in a speech. We do learn about different cultures and languages through interpersonal communication as well. Interpersonal communication is very indeed important since it develop our self throughout the stages of life.You learn, teach and get an identity. You get so many things to share to others who you are. Basically learn how to pronounce words correctly and to speak properly in certain situation and how to communicate in general. In recent years, interpersonal communication has taken back seat compare to other forms since more people are in to using social networks to exchange information and contacts. Basically develop your interpersonal communication skills for success at work and at home. 3.2 Small group communication Interpersonal communication define as within 3 or more persons. People join groups for variety of reasons. Some group members are motivated by task concerns and others are motivated by interpersonal attraction to other group of members. There is a phrase, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts , which also refers to group synergy. A group synergy refers to the idea that two heads or more are better then one. A group communication will increase the ability to perform more and multiple work which provide encouragement and support to its members within a project .This may lead to promote the interpersonal relationships between the group members. Individuals often join a team or group to meet their interpersonal needs. Self Control is needed to exercise leadership and prove ones abilities. Some person do not want to be a leader. So, group communication is the necessary control over aspects of their lives.Take note that groups are an excellent way to make friends We can split group communication into various types of groups. Social Groups This group is predominantly social in their orientation such as families and social clubs. Basically its provide for our safety and solidarity needs and they help to develop self-esteem. Work Groups This group work to complete a particular task. Their expertise is counted to full fill the mission or task. There are several work groups such as workplaces, campus organizations or juries. An example of this will be assembly line which each worker performs tasks to build a complete car. A group members must be able to communicate freely and openly with all of the other members of the group. A group must have a common purpose or goal so that they must work together to achieve that goal. Basically a goal bring the team together. 3.3 Public Communication According to Wikipedia, Public Communication is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence or entertain the listeners . Skill in public speaking is important. No matter what your career choice, most collage graduates enter occupations that require some form of speaking before groups.Culture affects the way people use, present and regards public speaking. Public Communication usually dificult for most people and effective public speaking is a skill which must be learned. Not only do you listen in person, but receive information via technology. We hear speeches on television and radio.The basic components of public communication process are the source and the code, perceptions and attitudes, message, channel, receiver, feedback, noise and environment . Audience awarness is very important when its comes to public communication .Its the ability to ensure that your communication level is interactive towards the listeners. Self-centered is very importand. Public comunication can be define as public speaking as well. It can consider as fear for most of the people. But with proper preparation, anyone can make it happen. Few tips to be a good public communicator or public speaker. Dress for success. Be with good packaging such as dress code. Better to overdressd than undredressed. It definatly will enchance your image. Prepare a great intro and closing. Practice till you even can say them forward and backward. A great start with some humor or short story will definatly works. Try to filter out the ah ,Mmmm the presentation. It will annoy or will definalty will give uncomfertable reaction to the audience. To skip this try to join the local Toastmasters international club. Try to build your presentation in to an easy format to follow. Flip chat with key point works better on this .A handouts where participants can follow the topic that you will cover will works as well. Time is the most important element in public communication. Sharp with point with proper timing will always lead to a great opening and ending. Rehearse as much as you can. Always keep eye contact with the audience. Try to find some smiling audience. Move from one to one. Its a rewarding expriences when its comes to public communication. Its boots everything up. 4.0 Conclusion Oral communication is the most important component in any area such as business, relationship, family, work and etc. Without it interaction is almost imposible. Oral communication skills are crucial in handeling with others, and this is proven in any situation. As we in malaysia, there are some example of our everyday oral communication as Manglish . Originated from English, malay, hokkian, mandarin and tamil. We intend to add Lah in all the words as below. Come one lah, see how lah and etc. Got or not Means, do you have it ? When ah? Who ah? Where ah? in rising ahs mean respectively When? Who? Where? It noted that we shoud start a good proper words to correct us for a better future with better oral language in communication. Public communication According to Wikipedia, Public Communication is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence or entertain the listeners . Mass communication A communication thru radio, broadcast news paper to reach the wide population. Corporate communication; Communication that takes place among members of an organization, within that building or organization. Intercultural communication. Communication between people of diverse cultures and ethnicity. A process of exchanging meaningful and unambiguous information across cultural boundaries. I will mainly will be elaborating about Interpersonal communication, Small group communication Public Communication. See below 3.1 Interpersonal communication What is the ONE skill required of almost every job at online career? Basic interpersonal communication such as a good intrapersonal communication, listening, language, emotions, non-verbal communication, communication climate, and others which this skills will make you excellent at being as a good friend, good spouse, good employee and boss. By learning all them and putting them into practice as often as possible to become excellent at interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication involves a close group of participants such as the everyday conversations you carry on. Interpersonal communication involves face to face encounters which you get the immediate communication. It also includes speeches, general friendly exchanges, arguments and basically anytime you speak to someone. Many variations make interpersonal communication flexibility important for difference circumstances. We use interpersonal communication to learn new information such as when asking questions. Plus, we use it to share information such as when telling a story. Even to define yourself in a speech. We do learn about different cultures and languages through interpersonal communication as well. Interpersonal communication is very indeed important since it develop our self throughout the stages of life.You learn, teach and get an identity. You get so many things to share to others who you are. Basically learn how to pronounce words correctly and to speak properly in certain situation and how to communicate in general. In recent years, interpersonal communication has taken back seat compare to other forms since more people are in to using social networks to exchange information and contacts. Basically develop your interpersonal communication skills for success at work and at home. 3.2 Small group communication Interpersonal communication define as within 3 or more persons. People join groups for variety of reasons. Some group members are motivated by task concerns and others are motivated by interpersonal attraction to other group of members. There is a phrase, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts , which also refers to group synergy. A group synergy refers to the idea that two heads or more are better then one. A group communication will increase the ability to perform more and multiple work which provide encouragement and support to its members within a project .This may lead to promote the interpersonal relationships between the group members. Individuals often join a team or group to meet their interpersonal needs. Self Control is needed to exercise leadership and prove ones abilities. Some person do not want to be a leader. So, group communication is the necessary control over aspects of their lives.Take note that groups are an excellent way to make friends We can split group communication into various types of groups. Social Groups This group is predominantly social in their orientation such as families and social clubs. Basically its provide for our safety and solidarity needs and they help to develop self-esteem. Work Groups This group work to complete a particular task. Their expertise is counted to full fill the mission or task. There are several work groups such as workplaces, campus organizations or juries. An example of this will be assembly line which each worker performs tasks to build a complete car. A group members must be able to communicate freely and openly with all of the other members of the group. A group must have a common purpose or goal so that they must work together to achieve that goal. Basically a goal bring the team together. 3.3 Public Communication According to Wikipedia, Public Communication is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence or entertain the listeners . Skill in public speaking is important. No matter what your career choice, most collage graduates enter occupations that require some form of speaking before groups.Culture affects the way people use, present and regards public speaking. Public Communication usually dificult for most people and effective public speaking is a skill which must be learned. Not only do you listen in person, but receive information via technology. We hear speeches on television and radio.The basic components of public communication process are the source and the code, perceptions and attitudes, message, channel, receiver, feedback, noise and environment . Audience awarness is very important when its comes to public communication .Its the ability to ensure that your communication level is interactive towards the listeners. Self-centered is very importand. Public comunication can be define as public speaking as well. It can consider as fear for most of the people. But with proper preparation, anyone can make it happen. Few tips to be a good public communicator or public speaker. Dress for success. Be with good packaging such as dress code. Better to overdressd than undredressed. It definatly will enchance your image. Prepare a great intro and closing. Practice till you even can say them forward and backward. A great start with some humor or short story will definatly works. Try to filter out the ah ,Mmmm the presentation. It will annoy or will definalty will give uncomfertable reaction to the audience. To skip this try to join the local Toastmasters international club. Try to build your presentation in to an easy format to follow. Flip chat with key point works better on this .A handouts where participants can follow the topic that you will cover will works as well. Time is the most important element in public communication. Sharp with point with proper timing will always lead to a great opening and ending. Rehearse as much as you can. Always keep eye contact with the audience. Try to find some smiling audience. Move from one to one. Its a rewarding expriences when its comes to public communication. Its boots everything up. 4.0 Conclusion Oral communication is the most important component in any area such as business, relationship, family, work and etc. Without it interaction is almost imposible. Oral communication skills are crucial in handeling with others, and this is proven in any situation. As we in malaysia, there are some example of our everyday oral communication as Manglish . Originated from English, malay, hokkian, mandarin and tamil. We intend to add Lah in all the words as below. Come one lah, see how lah and etc. Got or not Means, do you have it ? When ah? Who ah? Where ah? in rising ahs mean respectively When? Who? Where? It noted that we shoud start a good proper words to correct us for a better future with better oral language in communication.
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